Drake, Ian J.; Lloyd, Matthew
In: Martin, Justin F. and Favaro, Marco, eds. Batman's Villains and Villainesses: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Arkham's Souls. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2023. p. 39-50.
Gonnermann, Annika
In: Macklem, Lisa and Grace, Dominick, eds. Supernatural Out of the Box: Essays on the Metatextuality of the Series. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2020. p. 90-105.
Varandas, Angélica
In: Grace, Dominick M. and Macklem, Lisa, eds. Supernatural Politics: Essays on Social Engagement, Fandom, and the Series. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2021. p. 52-73.
Wylie, Dannielle
in: Decker, Kevin S., ed. Ender's Game and Philosophy: the Logic Gate is Down. Somerset, NJ: Wiley, 2013. p. 163-174.
de Rijke, Victoria
Children's Literature in Education 44(4): 281-294. December 2013.
Asava, Zelie
in: Brodman, Barbara and Doan, James E., eds. Images of the Modern Vampire: The Hip and the Atavistic. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson, 2013. p. 99-112.
Morton, Lisa
In: Riekki, Ron and Wetmore, Kevin J., Jr., eds. Many Lives of 
The Purge, The: Essays on the Horror Franchise. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2024. p. 156-168.
Shores, Tyler.
In: Davis, Richard Brian, ed. Alice in Wonderland and Philosophy: Curiouser and Curiouser. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2010. p. 197-211.
Knepp, Dennis.
In: Davis, Richard Brian, ed. Alice in Wonderland and Philosophy: Curiouser and Curiouser. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2010. p. 47-58.
Raye, Lee
Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research 3(2): 25-38. 2016. (http://journal.finfar.org/) Accessed 4.September.2018.
Hauser, Linus; Novian, Michael
in: Schärtl, Thomas and Hassel, Jasmin, eds. Nur Fiktion?: Religion, Philosophie und Politik im Science-Fiktion-Film der Gegenwart. Munster: Aschendorff, 2015. p. 121-144.
Schuster, Marc-Oliver
in: Klenke, Pascal, Muth, Laura, Seibel, Klaudia, and Simonis, Annette, eds. Writing Worlds: Welten- und Raummodelle der Fantastik. Heidelberg, Neckar Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH, 2014. p. 141-152.
Lechtenbohmer, Silke
in: Schärtl, Thomas and Hassel, Jasmin, eds. Nur Fiktion?: Religion, Philosophie und Politik im Science-Fiktion-Film der Gegenwart. Munster: Aschendorff, 2015. p. 41-68.
Drobe, Christina
in: Schärtl, Thomas and Hassel, Jasmin, eds. Nur Fiktion?: Religion, Philosophie und Politik im Science-Fiktion-Film der Gegenwart. Munster: Aschendorff, 2015. p. 145-183.
Obkircher, Serena
In: Brotz, Dunja, ed. Menschenmachinen/Maschinenmenschen in der Literatur: Golems, Roboter, Androiden und Cyborg als das dritte Geschlecht. Innsbruck,: Innsbruck University Press, 2023. p. 153-170.
Zirpel, Thimo
in: Schärtl, Thomas and Hassel, Jasmin, eds. Nur Fiktion?: Religion, Philosophie und Politik im Science-Fiktion-Film der Gegenwart. Munster: Aschendorff, 2015. p. 185-201.
Adamovic, Ivan
Česká Literatura: Časopis pro Literární Vědu 71(3): 269-287. July 2023.
Jonscher, Beate
In: Lauer, Reinhard, ed. Utopie in der russischen Literatur. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 2023. p. 259-272.
Neely, Marc Hamlin; 黎浩晟
Master's Thesis, National Taiwan Normal University, 2020. 118 p. (MAI 84(4).)
Lu, Szu-Luen 盧思綸
Master's Thesis, National Taiwan Normal University, 2020. 149 p. (MAI 84(4).)
Lin, Mi-Chi ( 林蜜琪 )
Master's Thesis, National Taiwan Normal University, 2022. 70 p. (MAI 85(1)(E).)
Lu, Yu-Chen (呂昱禛)
Master's Thesis, National Taiwan Normal University, 2020. 85 p. (MAI 85(1).)
Lin, Yu-Chi (林毓淇)
Master's Thesis, National Taiwan Normal University, 2022. 68 p. (MAI 85(1)(E).)
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