Moskowitz, Sam
Fantasy Commentator 7(1): 12-30. Fall 1990. (Whole No. 41)
Fantasy Commentator 6(1):49-59. Fall 1987. (Whole No. 37)
Fantasy Commentator 6(2):98-106. Fall 1988. [No. 38]
Fantasy Commentator 6(3):162-175. Summer 1989. (No. 39)
in: Moskowitz, Sam. Strange Horizons. New York: Scribners, 1976. pp. 92-106.
Australian Science Fiction Review No. 16: 3-7. June 1968.
The Burroughs Bulletin NS No. 8: 20-28. October 1991.
Burroughs Bulletin NS. No. 20: 11-15. October 1994.
Burroughs Bulletin NS No. 9: 34-39. January 1992.
Niekas No. 36: 32-35. 1988. (Comments in Nikes No. 37)
Fantasy Times 1(10):2-5. December 1945.
in: Moskowitz, Sam. Seekers of Tomorrow. New York: Ballantine, 1967. pp. 303-317. (Reprinted from Amazing, August 1962.)
Science Fiction Studies 17(1):84-92. March 1990.
Journal of Science Fiction 1(2): 25-31. Fall 1952.
Arkham Sampler 2(1):35-40. Winter 1949.
in: Moskowitz, Sam. Seekers of Tomorrow. New York: Ballantine, 1967. pp. 267-282. (Reprinted from Amazing, June 1962.)
Foundation No. 60: 13-20. Spring 1994.
New Fandom (Fanzine) 1(5): 9-11. July 1939.
Fantasy Times No. 2:5-6. October 1941.
in: Wallace, William. A Round Trip to the Year 2000. Westport, CT: Hyperion, 1974. p. 1-6.
Burroughs Bulletin No. 1:4-5. January 1990.
Locus 30(2): 69. February 1993.
in: Moskowitz, Sam. Explorers of the Infinite: Shapers of Science Fiction. New York: World, 1963. pp. 17-32. (Reprinted from Satellite, March 1959.) (Reprinted in Science Fantasy, No. 39, 1960.)
Destiny No. 8: 21-22. Spring 1953.
in: Moskowitz, Sam. Explorers of the Infinite: Shapers of Science Fiction. New York: World, 1963. pp. 296-312. (Reprinted from Satellite, May 1959.) (Reprinted in Science Fantasy, No. 47, 1961.)
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