Bradley, Marion Z.
Niekas No. 45: 33, 43. July 1998.
Green Egg 8 (72): unpaginated. Reprinted in Zell-Ravenheart, Oberon, ed. Green Egg Omlette: An Anthology of Art and Articles from the Legendary Pagan Journal. Franklin Lakes, NJ: New Page, 2009. p. 282.
Niekas No. 40:36-37. August 1989. (Also cited as: Braude, Anne J., ed. Andre Norton: Fables & Futures. Center Harbor, NH: Niekas Publictions, 1989.)
In: De Camp, L. Sprague and Scithers, George, eds. The Conan Swordbook. Baltimore: Mirage Press, 1969. p. 151-159. 
Also in: De Camp, L. S., ed. Blade of Conan. New York: Ace, 1979. pp. 293-299.
Science Fiction Age 1(2): 22-23. January 1993.
Locus 21(3):69. March 1988.
Science Fiction Age 1(2): 22, 71. January 1993.
Science Fiction Review 6(3):34-45. August 1977.
Algol 19: 4-11. November 1972. also in: Experiment Perilous: Three Essays on Science Fiction. New York: Algol Press, 1976. pp. 7-20.
Empire for the SF Writer 9(3): 12-13. Spring 1985.
in: Jarvis, Sharon, ed. Inside Outer Space. New York: Ungar, 1985. pp. 69-84.
Fantasy Review 9(6)(eg v. 8 #6): 10-12. June 1985.
Fantasy Review 8(7): 31-32. July 1985.
International Journal of Greek Love 1(1): 48-58. January 1965.
Viva 4(3): 44-46,48,104,108. December 1976.
Empire: For the SF Writer 3(2): 21-26. August 1977.
Empire: For the SF Writer 3(3): 37-39. November 1977.
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine No. 10: 41-42. Autumn 1990.
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine No. 9: 55. Summer 1990.
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine No. 4: 51-52. Spring 1989.
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine No. 7: 57, 56. 1990.
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine No. 6: 56. Autumn 1989.
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine 2(1): 53-54. Summer 1989.
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine 5(4; [#20]): 34-35. Summer 1993.
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine No. 10: 47. Autumn 1990.
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine No. 8: 53-54. 1990.
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine 11(2): 53-55. Winter 1999. (No. 42)
Science Fiction Writers of America Bulletin 14(3): 17-21. Fall 1979.
Niekas No. 16: 25-44. June 1966.
Baltimore: T-K Graphics, 1973. 51 p.
in: Isaacs, Neil D. and Zimbardo, Rose A., eds. Tolkien and the Critics. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1968. pp.109-127. Reprinted in: Zimbardo, R. A., ed. Understanding the Lord of the Rings. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2004, p. 76-92.
Niekas No. 38:20-21. 1989.
Algol 15(1): 10-20. Winter 1977/1978.
in: Du Pont, Denise, ed. Women of Vision. New York: St. Martin's, 1988. pp. 84-97.
EI 6(5): [23-27]. October 2007. (No. 34)
Locus 21(2):61-62. February 1988.
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine. No. 5: 53-54. Summer 1989.
Fantasy Newsletter 5(8): 19-21. September 1982.
in: Weedman, J. B., ed. Women Worldwalkers. Lubbock: Texas Tech Press, 1985. pp.25-42.
Empire for the SF Writer 9(1): 6-9. Winter 1984. (No. 32)
Thrust No. 13:13-15,45. Fall 1979.
in: Bradley, Marion Z., ed. Sword and Sorceress: An Anthology of Heroic Fantasy. New York: Daw, 1984. p. 9-13.
in: Green Egg 6(59): 15-17. Youle 1973. Reprinted in Zell-Ravenheart, Oberon, ed. Green Egg Omlette: An Anthology of Art and Articles from the Legendary Pagan Journal. Franklin Lakes, NJ: New Page, 2009. p. 165-168.
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine No. 3: 49-50. Winter 1989.
Bradley, Marion Z.; Breen, Walter; Leiber, Fritz
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine Premiere Issue pp. 45-48. Summer 1988.
Haunted: Studies in Gothic Fiction 1:82-85. June 1968.
In: Ortiz, Luis, ed. The Science Fiction Fanzine Reader: Focal Points 1930-1960. Greenwood, DE: Nonstop Press, 2019. p. 210-216. Reprinted from Vega No. 12, 1953.
Seldon's Plan No. 41: 17-21. September 1977. (Reprinted from Triskelion, No. 1, 1977.)
in: Williamson, J. N., ed. How to Write Tales of Horror, Fantasy, and Science Fiction. Cincinnati, OH: Writer's Digest, 1987. pp.71-76.
The Witch and the Chameleon 4: 19-25 (September 1975).
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