McMullen, Sean
Science Fiction: A Review of Speculative Literature 11(1): 3-9. 1991. (No. 31)
Ikin, Van; McMullen, Sean
in: Seed, David, ed. A Companion to Science Fiction. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2005. p. 337-350.
in: The Festival of the Imagination Handbook. Victoria: Stahan & Byrne, 1992. pp.72-82. (Cf. Author)
Victoria: McMullen, 1991. 8pp. (Also in Festival of the Imagination Handbook, 1991.)
in: Anders, Lou, ed. Projections: Science Fiction in Literature and Film. Austin, TX: Monkeybrain Books, 2004. p. 101-118.
Aurealis No. 7: 60-69. 1992.
Science Fiction: A Review of Speculative Literature 10(2; [#29]):40-57. 1989.
McMullen, Sean; Paulsen, Steven
Sirius (Aust.) No. 10: 4-12. September 1995.
Aurealis: Australian Fantasy and Science Fiction No. 11: 52-60. June 1993.
Dowling, Terry; McMullen, Sean
Locus 38(1): 37. January 1997.
Ikin, Van; McMullen, Sean; Stone, Graham
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Serials Librarianship 2(1): 3-34. 1991.
Locus 44(5): 8, 64-66. May 2000.
Locus 36(1): 44-45. January 1996.
Locus 33(1): 46. July 1994.
Locus 34(1) 71. January 1995.
Locus 37(3): 58, 80. September 1996.
Locus 39(1): 37. July 1997.
in: Anders, Lou, ed. Projections: Science Fiction in Literature and Film. Austin, TX: Monkeybrain Books, 2004. p. 209-224.
Blackford, Russell; Ikin, Van; McMullen, Sean
Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999. 264pp.
in: Yeffeth, Glenn, ed. Navigating the Golden Compass: Religion, Science and Daemonology in Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials. Dallas, TX: Benbella Books, 2005. p. 129-138.
Science Fiction: A Review of Speculative Literature 12(3): 3-28. 1996. (Whole No. 36) (Reprinted in: Broderick, Damien; Ikin, Van, Eds. Warriors of the Tao: The Best of Science Fiction: A Review of Speculative Literature. Borgo Press, 2011. p. 86-118.)
Collins, Paul; McMullen, Sean; Paulsen, Steven
Melbourne, Aust.: Melbourne University Press, 1998. 188pp.
Foundation No. 96: 5-16. Spring 2006.
Aurealis No. 13: 35-42. 1994.
in: Dann, Jack, ed. Nebula Awards 32. New York: Harcourt, 1998. p. 20-24.
Science Fiction: A Review of Speculative Literature 10(1):8-12. 1988. (Whole No. 28)
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