Clua Gines, Isabel
in: Cortijo, Adela, et al, eds. La ciencia ficción en los discursos culturales y medios de expresión contemporáneos. València : Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Communicació, Universitat de València, 2009. p. 219-238.
Berard, Sylvie
Tessera 15: 42-55. Winter 1993.
Russ, Joanna
Science-Fiction Studies 7(1): 2-15. March 1980. Also in: Spector, Judith, ed. Gender Studies: New Directions in Feminist Criticism. Bowling Green, OH: Popular Press, 1986. pp.234-249.
Greene, Diana
Irish Slavonic Studies No. 8: 127-138. 1987.
Wolf, Virginia L.
Children's Literature Association Quarterly 10(2):66-70. Summer 1985.
Clark, Robert
Women's Studies 14(2): 147-162. 1987.
Lackner, Eden L.
in: Reid, Robin A., ed. Women in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2009. Volume 1, p. 123-134.
Kessler, Carol F.
in: Kessler, Carol F., ed. Daring to Dream: Utopian Fiction by United States Women Before 1950. Second Edition. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1995. pp.247-304.
in: Kessler, Carol K., ed. Daring to Dream: Utopian Stories by United States Women, 1836-1919. Boston, MA: Pandora Press, 1984. pp.233-266.
Baccolini, Raffaella
In: Prado, Amanda and Cavalcanti, Ildney, eds. Utopias sonhadas/distopias anunciadas: feminismo, gênero e cultura queer na literature. João Pessoa : Editora UFPB, 2019 . p. 45-55.
Fick, Thomas H.
South Atlantic Review 64(2): 81-97. Spring 1999.
Lefanu, Sarah
In: Lefanu, Sarah. The Chinks of the World Machine. London: Women’s Press, 1988. p. 86-93. Reprinted in: Sawyer, Andy, ed. Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2020. Vol. 3, p. 325-330.
Sharp, Patrick B.; Yaszek, Lisa
in: Yaszek, Lisa and Sharp, Patrick B., eds. Sisters of Tomorrow: The First Women of Science Fiction. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2016. p. 1-7.
Frost, Cy
Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 10(2): 253-271. Fall 1991.
Silva, Carolina de Oliveira
Abusoes 6(1 [11]); 51-75. 2020.
Kaler, Anne K.
LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory 7(1): 51-62. 1997.
Loffler, Marie-Luise
Current Objectives of American Postgraduate Studies 10, 2009.
Williams, Keith
in: Joannou, Maroula, ed. Women Writers of the 1930s: Gender, Politics and History. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1999. pp. 151-164.
Alverio, Anita
Fantasy Commentator 9(2): 104-105. Fall 1997. (No. 50)
Jeffords, Susan
Journal of American Culture 10(3): 73-84. 1987.
Pearson, Carol S.
Alternative Futures. 4(1): 126-135. Winter 1981.
Utopian Studies 1(1): 1-58. 1990
Kollhofer, Nina
In: Maltry, Karola; Holland-Cunz, Barbara; Kollhofer, Nina; Lochel, Rolf; Maurer, and Susanne, eds. Gen(der)zukunft. Zur Transformation feministischer Visionen in der Science-Fiction, Königstein: Ulrike Helmer, 2008. p. 17-68.
Barr, Marleen S.
Reproductive and Genetic Engineering 1(2): 167-174. 1988. (Abridged version of an essay from Barr, Marleen. Alien to Femininity. 1987.)
Ascanio, MarIa JesUs Llarena
Brumal 8(1): 113-134. 2020.
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