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English Studies: A Journal of English Language and Literature 103(3): 494-511. May 2022.
Jones, Jeremy L. C.
Clarkesworld No. 71. August 2012. ( Accessed 30.August.2012)
Mills, Alice
Peake Studies 7(4): 19-24. April 2002.
Rabinowitz, Rosanne
Interzone 196: 36-39. January/February 2005.
Bould, Mark
Paradoxa No. 28: 15-40. 2019.
Means, Loren
YLEM Journal 24(10):11-14. September/October 2004.
Tranter, Kirsten
Contemporary Literature 53(3): 418-436. Fall 2012.
Kehe, Marjorie
Christian Science Monitor. Chapter & Verse Blog [3 p.] September 10, 2010. (
Morgan, Cheryl
Strange Horizons p. 5-18. October 2001. (Archived at: and at the Cushing Library, Texas A&M University)
No authors listed.
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in: Edwards, Caroline and Venezia, Antonio, eds. China Mieville: Critical Essays. Canterbury: Gylphi, 2015. p. 185-212.
Schumer, Lizz
People 102(5): 54-55. August 5, 2024.
Elber-Aviram, Hadas
English 61(234): 267-289. 2012.
Hynes, Gerard
In: Wolf, Mark J. P., ed. Revisiting Imaginary Worlds: A Subcreation Studies Anthology. New York: Routledge, 2016. p. 276-293.
Khachidze, Mia
Fastitocalon: Studies in Fantasticism Ancient to Modern 9(1/2): 55-72. 2020.
Childs, Mark C.
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Gallin, Kevin
Ph. D. Dissertation, Duke University, 2022. 348 p. (DAI-A 83(11)(E).)
Lyall, Sarah
The New York Times. July 24, 2010. p C1.
Ekman, Stefan
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Saunders, Robert A.
in: Fletcher, Lisa, ed. Popular Fiction and Spatiality.: Reading Genre Settings. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. p. 157-176. 
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O'Connor, Robert James (O'Connor, Rob)
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Locus 46(6): 10, 78. June 2001.
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Underwood, Michael
in: Reid, Robin A., ed. Women in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2009. Volume 2, p. 224-225.
Extrapolation 50(2): 307-325. Summer 2009.
Marks, Peter
Surveillance & Society 11(3): 222-236. 2013.
Kendrick, Christopher
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in: Kincaid, Paul/Butler, Andrew M., eds. The Arthur C. Clarke Award: A Critical Anthology. Daventry, UK: Serendip Foundation, 2006. p. 173-182.
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Miller, Tim
Foundation No. 108: 39-65. Spring 2010.
Neilson, Robert
Albedo One No. 26: 10-15. October 2002.
Kirbach, Benjamin
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Iowa, 2023. 346 p. (DAI-A 85(1)(E).)
O'Connor, Rob
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Amaral, George Augusto do
Abusões 6(2 [12]) 260-292. 2020.
Vallorani, Nicoletta
In: Punter, David and Mancini, C. Bruna, eds. Space(s) of the Fantastic: A 21st Century Manifesto. New York: Taylor and Francis, 2020. p. 144-157.
Marshall, Kate
Modernism/modernity 23(3): 631-649. September 2016.
Schmeink, Lars
Extrapolation 55(1): 25-32. 2014.
Hourigan, Daniel
Law and Literature 30(2): 167-184. 2018.
Palmer, Christopher
in: Canavan, Gerry and Robinson, Kim Stanley, eds. Green Planets: Ecology and Science Fiction. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2014. p. 158-175.
Mendlesohn, Farah
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in: Westfahl, Gary, ed. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. p. 1200-1202.
Andrews, Kenneth
SFRA Review No. 262: 13-15. January/February 2003.
Burling, William J.
Extrapolation 50(2): 326-344. Summer 2009.
Nelson, Diane
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Gallemore, Caleb; Uzendoski, Andrew
In: Grant, Judith and Parson, Sean, eds. Representations of Political Resistance and Emancipation in Science Fiction. Lanham, MD : Lexington Books, 2021. p. 153-174.
Vint, Sherryl
Extrapolation 50(2): 276-292. Summer 2009.
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Williams, Mark P.
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Cooper, Rich
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in: Christensen, Jorgen R. Marvellous Fantasy. Aalborg, Denmark: Aalborg University Press, 2009. p. 107-124.
Weaver, Stephanie Jeanne
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Guilfoyle, Douglas
London Review of International Law 4(1): 195-207. March 2016.
Williams, Rhys
Science Fiction Studies 41(3): 617-633. November 2014.
Sanders, Joe
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Christinidis, Georgia
Hard Times No. 90: 48-51. Autumn 2011.
Bronson, Zak
Paradoxa No. 26: 81-96. 2014. (SF Now, ed. by Mark Bould and Rhys Williams)
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Gordon, Joan
Science Fiction Studies 30(3): 355-373. November 2003.
Glaz, Adam
Extrapolation 56(3): 335-352. Winter 2015.
Modestino, Kevin
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Dillon, Grace L.
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in: Edwards, Caroline and Venezia, Antonio, eds. China Mieville: Critical Essays. Canterbury: Gylphi, 2015. p. 139-158.
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Farrell, Henry
in: Hassler, Donald M./Wilcox, Clyde, eds. New Boundaries in Political Science Fiction. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2008. p. 272-289.
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In: Kirchy, Anna, ed. Posthumanism in Fantastic Fiction. Szeged: Americana, 2018. p. 148-157.
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Jaccard, Erik B.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 2017. 287 p. (DAI-A 79(1)(E).)
Baker, Daniel
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Shaw, Debra B.
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Vanderbeke, Dirk
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Gadd, Nicole; Wight, Linda
Abusoes 3(1 [4]); 291-323. 2017.
Wedemeyer, Alex E.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Colorado, 2014. 283 p.
Carroll, Siobhan
Paradoxa No. 28: 50-91. 2019.
Latham, Robert A.
EI 9(6): 22-25. December 2010. (No. 53) (
Duggan, Robert
Textual Practice 27(5): 899-920. August 2013.
Michalowicz, Naomi
in: Edrei, Shawn and Gurevitch, Danielle, eds. Science Fiction Beyond Borders. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars, 2016. p. 31-44.
Sederholm, Carl H.
In: Wester, Maisha and Aldana Reyes, Xavier, eds. Twenty-First-Century Gothic: An Edinburgh Companion. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press; 2019. p. 161-173.
Mathieson, Jolene
In: Greve, Julius and Zappe, Florian, eds. Spaces and Fictions of the Weird and the Fantastic: Ecologies, Geographies, Oddities. New York: Palgrave, 2019. p. 111-128.
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Moorcock, Michael
EI 9(6): 20-21. December 2010. (No. 53) (
Butler, Andrew M.
CR: The New Centennial Review 13(2): 133-153. Fall 2013.
Cox, Katharine
in: Watson, Kate; Cox, Katharine; Ascari, Maurizio Tattoos in Crime and Detective Narratives: Marking and Remarking. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press; 2019. p. 130-141.
Williams, Mark
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Luckhurst, Roger
Textual Practice 31(6): 1041-1061. October 2017.
Harvey, Jonathan R.
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Rankin, Sandy
in: Booker, M. Keith, ed. Dystopia. Ipswich, Mass.: Salem Press, 2013. p. 223-240.
Maczynska, Magdalena
Contemporary Literature 51(1): 58-86. Spring 2010.
Found 218 items on 3 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.