Zammit, Patrick
in: Grech, Victor, Scerri, Mariella, and Zammit, David J., eds. Star Trek: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Theory and Practice. Pembroke, Malta: SciFi Malta, 2015. p. 220-230.
Lucas, Paul
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Hampton, Kirk; MacKay, Carol
in: Westfahl, Gary and Slusser, George, eds. Science Fiction and the Two Cultures. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009. p. 131-139.
Cramer, John
in: Benford, James and Benford, Gregory, eds. Starship Century. Microwave Sciences, 2013. p. 239-250.
Ringer, Laurie
In: Grant, Judith and Parson, Sean, eds. Representations of Political Resistance and Emancipation in Science Fiction. Lanham, MD : Lexington Books, 2021. p. 219-234.
Sheffield, Charles
in: Kondo, Yoji et al, eds. Interstellar Travel and Multi-Generational Spaceships. Burlington, Ont.: Apogee, 2003. p. 20-28.
Caroti, Simone
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Palmer, Christopher
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Thomason, Sarah G.
in: Kondo, Yoji et al, eds. Interstellar Travel and Multi-Generational Spaceships. Burlington, Ont.: Apogee, 2003. p. 100-103.
Dyson, Freeman J.
in: Benford, James and Benford, Gregory, eds. Starship Century. Microwave Sciences, 2013. p. 11-16.
Zubrin, Robert
in: Benford, James and Benford, Gregory, eds. Starship Century. Microwave Sciences, 2013. p. 83-102.
Hawking, Stephen
in: Benford, James and Benford, Gregory, eds. Starship Century. Microwave Sciences, 2013. p. 9-10.
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Malone, Robert
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Morton, Timothy
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Baxter, Stephen; Crawford, Ian
in: Benford, James and Benford, Gregory, eds. Starship Century. Microwave Sciences, 2013. p. 225-238.
Ceowl, Adam
in: Benford, James and Benford, Gregory, eds. Starship Century. Microwave Sciences, 2013. p. 169-192.
Schwartz, Peter
in: Benford, James and Benford, Gregory, eds. Starship Century. Microwave Sciences, 2013. p. 27-40.
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in: Benford, James and Benford, Gregory, eds. Starship Century. Microwave Sciences, 2013. p. 119-128.
Rees, Martin
in: Benford, James and Benford, Gregory, eds. Starship Century. Microwave Sciences, 2013. p. 17-26.
Zinos-Amaro, Alvaro
In: Westfahl, Gary, ed. Societies in Space: Essays on the Civilized Frontier in Film and Television. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 2025. p. 220-236.
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