Gottwald, Ulrike
Doctoral Dissertation, Universität Düsseldorf, 1989. 308 p.; Frankfurt: Verlag Peter Lang, 1990. 308pp.
Wolf-Meyer, Matthew J.
Master's Thesis, Bowling Green State University, 2002. 108 p.
Boyer, Robert H.; Zahorski, Kenneth J.
Wisconsin English Journal 18(3):2-8. April 1976.
Buker, Derek M.
Chicago, IL: American Library Association, 2002. 230 p.
No authors listed.
Website. URL:
O'Dea, Rory
Ph. D. Dissertation, New York University, 2013. 307 p. (DAI-A 75(3)(E).)
Higgins, Matthew; Lightfoot, Geoff; Parker, Martin; Smith, Warren
New York: Routledge, 2001. 227 p.
Gunn, James E.
in: Gunn, James E., Marleen S. Barr and Matthew Candelaria, eds. Reading Science Fiction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. p. 227-234.
MacLean, Heather L.
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1994. 186pp. (DAI-A 55(11): 3507. May 1995.)
McNelly, Willis E.
CEA Critic 35(1):15-19. January 1973.
Hardesty, Willliam H., III
Essays in Arts and Humanities 9(2): 203-215. August 1980.
Fiala, Andrew
Journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy 6: 1-15. 2023.
McGinley, John M.
Master's Thesis, Glassboro State College, 1977. iv, 72 p.
O'Connell, Hugh C.
In: Canavan, Gerry and Link, Eric C. eds. The Cambridge History of Science Fiction. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2019. p. 680-695.
Rieder, John
Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2017. 206 p.
Blumenthal, Carl A.
Master's Thesis, Clark University, 1975. v, 130 p.
Troen, Saul B.
Ph.D. Dissertation, New York University, 1995. 336pp. (DAI-A 56(5): 1762. November 1995.)
Willingham, Ralph A.
Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1994. 213pp. (Based on the author's Ph. D. Dissertation, 1991.)
Yershov, Peter
New York: Research Program on the U.S.S.R., 1954. 66 p.
McKinney, Richard L.
Lund : Signatryk, 1976. 152 p.
Pagetti, Carlo
Science Fiction Studies 14(2): 261-266. July 1987.
Forsberg, Thomas E.
Master's Thesis, Bowling Green State University, 1976. 57pp.
Frazier, Paul M.
Master's Thesis, Michigan State University, 1987. 90pp. (MAI 27(1): 11. Spring 1989.)
Berube, Terry Ann
Master's Thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1992. iv, 117 p.
Cava, Peter
Ph. D. Dissertation, Florida Atlantic University, 2015. 482 p. (DAI-A 77/04(E)) (Embargoed until unknown date)
Found 686 items on 28 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.