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Mechademia: Second Arc 14(1): 11-27. Fall 2021.
Tatarchenko, Ksenia
Kritika: Explorations in Russian & Eurasian History 20(4): 755-781. Fall 2019.
Anderson, Colleen Elizabeth
Ph. D. Dissertation, Harvard University, 2017. 544 p. (DAI-A 82(4)(E).)
Stepanov, Boris
Studies in Russian & Soviet Cinema 15(1): 70-90. March 2021.
Pohl, Michaela
Visions 4(3):71. 1990.
No authors listed.
Locus 28(2): 46, 49. August 1992.
Chernyshova, Tatiana
Canadian-American Soviet Studies 18(1/2):76-84. Spring/Summer 1984.
Alaniz, Jose
Slavic & East European Journal 57(2): 203-228. Summer 2013.
Gakov, Vladimir
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Variety p. 4. June 18, 1969.
Schwartz, Matthias
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Adlerberg, Scott
In: Nette, Andrew and McIntyre, Iain, eds. Dangerous Visions and New Worids: Radical Science Fiction, 1950 to 1985. Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2021. p. 138-1134.
Suvin, Darko
SF Commentary No. 35/36/37: 57-68. July/September 1973.
Philmus, Robert M.
Science Fiction Studies 16(2):246. July 1989.
Chatelain, Daniele; Slusser, George E.
in: Parrinder, Patrick/Partington, John S., eds. The Reception of H. G. Wells in Europe. New York: Continuum, 2005. p. 280-301.
Nemtsov, V.
Current Digest of the Soviet Press 18(3): 34-36. February 9, 1966. (From Isvestia, January 19, 1966, p. 6.)
Alexandrov, Alexander
Soviet Literature No. 12 (489):154-159. 1988.
Science Fiction Times (Germany) 27(4):27. April 1985.
Science Fiction Chronicle 9(5):8. February 1988.
Science Fiction Chronicle 9(12):5-6. September 1988.
Jackson, Tom
Lan's Lantern No. 32: 24-26. March 1990.
Strugatsky, Boris
in: Strugatsky, Arkady and Strugatsky, Boris. Roadside Picnic. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2012. p. 195-209.
Gopman, Vladimir
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Mus, Barbara
in: De Vos, Luk, ed. Just the Other Day. Antwerp: Restant, 1985. pp.139-142.
Caratozzolo, Marco
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Mullaney, M. M.
Alternative Futures 4(2/3):73-84. Spring/Summer 1981.
Porter, Jillian
in: Feeley, Jennifer and Wells, Sarah A., eds. Simultaneous Worlds: Global Science Fiction Cinema. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2015. p. 243-256.
Shubina, Aleksandra
Studies in Russian & Soviet Cinema 16(2): 141-158. June 2022. DOI: 10.1080/17503132.2022.2052684
Greene, Diana
Irish Slavonic Studies No. 8: 127-138. 1987.
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Gianvito, John
Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2006. 190 p.
Bossone, Vincent J.
Cinefantastique 17(3/4):102. June 1987.
Haldeman, Joe
Analog 103(8): 87-91. August 1983.
Howell, Yvonne H.
New York: Peter Lang, 1994. 184pp. (Based on the author's Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1990. 232pp.)
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1990. 232pp. (DAI-A 52(1): 177. July 1991.)
Visarius, Karsten
In: Frolich, Margrit, Middel, Reinhard, and Visarius, Karsten, eds. Nach dem Ende: Auflösung und Untergänge in Kino an der Jahrtausendwende. Marburg: Schuren, 2001. p. 163-174.
Science Fiction Chronicle 9(6):5. March 1988.
Montunnas, Stanley
Masters Thesis, San Diego State University, 1974. vi, 122 p.
Anoshkin, Victor
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Clemente del Percio, Daniel
Astrolabio Nueva Época: Revista digital del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad No. 20: 74-90. 2018.
Stead, Henry
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Sylvester, Roshanna P.
In: Maurer, Eva, Richers, Julia, Ruthers, Monica, and Scheide, Carmen, eds. Soviet Space Culture: Cosmic Enthusiasm in Socialist Societies. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. p. 121-138.
Arbitman, Roman
Science Fiction Studies 31(3): 407-414. November 2004.
In: Jaspers, Kristina, Warnecke, Nils, Waz, Gerlinde and Zill, Rudiger, eds. Future Worlds Science Fiction Film. Berlin: Bertz + Fischer, 2017. p. 82-96.
Fantasy Times No. 257:4. Octuober (2) 1956.
Lobo, Phillip A.
Russian Literature 129: 23-45. April-May 2022.
Grinberg, Marat
in: Stuber, Dorian, ed. Critical Insights: Holocaust Literature. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press, 2016. p. 165-181.
Cordoba, Antonio
In: Banerjee, Anindita and Fritzsche, Sonja R., eds. Science Fiction Circuits of the South and East. New York: Peter Lang, 2018. p. 75-98.
Lin, Tony H.
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Borisov, Vladimir I.
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Kerr, Stephen T.
New York: n.p., 1969. 92 p.
Conn, Virginia L.
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Mitgang, Herbert
New York Times Book Review p. 23. July 3, 1977.
Pervushin, Anton
In: Cave, Stephen and Dihal, Kanta, eds. Imagining AI: How 
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Glad, John
Wilson Quarterly 7(4): 68-78. Autumn 1983.
Kuchment, Mark
in: Graham, Loren R., ed. Science and the Soviet Social Order. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990. pp.335-340.
Peterson, Lorna M.
in: Sprague, Claire, ed. In Pursuit of Doris Lessing. New York: St. Martin's, 1990. pp.142-157.
Campbell, Craig
Science Fiction Studies 47(3): 329-331. November 2020. (SFS Symposium: Thinking Through the Pandemic)
Stephan, Halina
in: Birnbaum, Henrik, ed. Fiction and Drama in Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Columbus, OH.: Slavica, 1980. pp. 361-378.
Bulatova, Asiya
Modernism/Modernity 30(3): 611-632. September 2023.
Majsova, Natalija
In: Brasiskis, Lukas; Shpolberg, Masha, eds. Cinema and the Environment in Eastern Europe: From Communism to Capitalism. New York, NY: Berghahn Books; 2023. p. 64-86.
Fyodorov, Alexander
Soviet Literature 2(431): 166-168. 1984.
Ruthers, Monica
In: Maurer, Eva, Richers, Julia, Ruthers, Monica, and Scheide, Carmen, eds. Soviet Space Culture: Cosmic Enthusiasm in Socialist Societies. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. p. 206-225.
Jurich, Marilyn
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Rosen, Eliza
Science Fiction Studies 49(2): 267-287. July 2022 .
Kozlowski, Eugene Zeb
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Bulychev, Kir
Locus 19(5):21-22. May 1986.
Yefremov, I. A.
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Rusanova, Olga
Current Digest of the Soviet Press 10(26):14, 38. August 6, 1958.
Canadian-American Slavic Studies 6(2):286-307. Summer 1972.
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Irenikon 48(2):147-169. 1975.
Choksey, Lara
in: Choksey, Lara, ed. Narrative in the Age of the Genome: Genetic Worlds. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic; 2021. p. 55-81.
Reese, Kevin
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Simon, Erik
in: Jeschke, Wolfgang, et al, eds. Das Science Fiction Jahr 2013. Munich: Heyne, 2013. p. 15-43.
Di Filippo, Paul [4 p. ]. March 14, 2011. Online resource:
Heller, Leonid
Lausanne: L'Age d'homme, 1979. 294 p.
Burge, Peggy A.
Master's Thesis, Cornell University, 1994. 53 p.
Ryurikov, Yury
Current Digest of the Soviet Press 12(10):13-17. April 6, 1990. (Abstracted from Novy Mir No. 12, December 1959, pp.228-245.)
Rullkotter, Bernd
M. Litt. Thesis, University of Glasgow, 1974. [2], v, 170 p. (DAI-C 70(82).) (4.3 Mb)
Rubijow, Konstantin
Quarber Merkur No. 95/96: 125-146. December 2002.
Luck, Hartmut
in: Jehmlich, Reimer and Luck, Hartmut, eds. Die Deformierte Zukunft: Untersuchungen zur Science Fiction: Munchen: Goldmann, 1974. p. 149-190.
Oswald, Ingrid
Wiesbaden: Harrossowitz, 1991. 173pp.
McGuire, Patrick L.
New York Review of Science Fiction 24(2): 16-18. October 2011. (No. 278)
Schwarz, Matthias
Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang, 2003. 195 p.
Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2003. 195 p. (Based on the author's Master's thesis, Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin, 2000.)
Wellek, Nanna D.
in: Villgradter, Rudolf and Krey, Friedrich, eds. Der Utopische Roman. Darnstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgellsellschaft, 1973. p. 321-329.
Bern: Herbert Lang, 1974. 303 p.
Sadecky, Petr M.
Quarber Merkur 23(1):35-60. July 1985.
Quarber Merkur 23(2):35-50. December 1985.
In: Maurer, Eva, Richers, Julia, Ruthers, Monica, and Scheide, Carmen, eds. Soviet Space Culture: Cosmic Enthusiasm in Socialist Societies. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. p. 232-250.
Chan, Julia
Modernism/Modernity May 16; 2022.
Stanley, John
San Francisco (CA) Chronicle Sec. DAT, p. 34. April 12, 1992.
Haldricks, R.
Vector 37:8-12. January 1966.
Sozialistische Zeitschrift fur Kunst und Gesellschaft 8/9:132- . October 1971.
Found 473 items on 5 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.