Calvin, Ritch
In: Calvin, Ritch, ed. Queering SF: Readings. Seattle, WA.: Aqueduct Press, 2022. p. 117-120.
Story, Joseph Alexander
Master's Thesis, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2021. 121 p. (MAI 83(8).)
O'Brien, Kelley
Master's Thesis, University of South Florida, 2018. 66 p. (MAI 57(6)(E).)
Amman, Anna Sofia
Ph. D. Dissertation, Lunds Universitet (Sweden), 2005. 256 p.
Thompson, Brianna
Ph. D., Dissertation, Cornell University, 2021. 205 p. (DAI-A 82(12)(E).)
Bingham, Dennis; Bingham, Mallory Lynn
Master's Thesis, Brigham Young University, 2020. 44 p. (MAI 83(9).)
Waddell, Andi
Master's Thesis, University of South Carolina, 2019. 44 p. (MAI 81(2)(E).)
Lorenz, Matt
European Romantic Review 32(3): 355-376. June 2021.
Roumeliotis, Holly Marie
Master's Thesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2018. 139 p. (MAI 58(4)(E).)
Porter, Heather M.
in: Cochran, Tanya R., Sherry Ginn, and Paul Zinder, eds. The Multiple Worlds of Fringe: Essays on the J. J. Abrams Science Fiction Series. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014. p. 93-107.
Mauk, Margaret S.
Mythlore 36(1): 123-141. Fall/Winter 2017.
Murphy, Bernice M.
in: Andeweg, Agnes and Zlosnik, Sue, eds. Gothic Kinship. New York: Manchester University Press, 2013. p. 81-96.
Hermann, Chad
Post Script 16(3): 36-50. Summer 1997.
Schlegel, Johannes
in: Andeweg, Agnes and Zlosnik, Sue, eds. Gothic Kinship. New York: Manchester University Press, 2013. p. 211-230.
Haefele-Thomas, Ardel
in: Andeweg, Agnes and Zlosnik, Sue, eds. Gothic Kinship. New York: Manchester University Press, 2013. p. 30-47.
Thompson, Kirsten Moana
Ph. D. Dissertation, New York University, 1998. 364 p. (DAI-A 59(9): 3256.)
Trimble, Sarah
Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies 32(3): 295-322. July/September 2010
Freeman, Sophie
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Northumbira at Newcastle (UK), 2018. 284 p. (DAI-C 81(11)(E).) (1 Mb)
Sennewald, Nadja
Berlin: Transcript, 2007. 309 p.
Shubina, Aleksandra
Studies in Russian & Soviet Cinema 16(2): 141-158. June 2022. DOI: 10.1080/17503132.2022.2052684
Nevarez, Lisa
In: Spencer, Eleanor and Craig, Jade D., eds. Family in Children's and Young Adult Literature. New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 197-211.
Williams, Lisa E.
In: Carranza, Ashley J. Our Fears Made Manifest: Essays on Terror, Trauma and Loss in Film, 1998–2019. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 2021. p. 74-87.
Hodo, Brandi
in: Scott, Kevin M., ed. Marvel Comics' Civil War and the Age of Terror: Critical Essays on the Comic Saga. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015. p. 121-130.
Gonzales, Mirla
In: Faszer-McMahon, Debra; Ketz, Victoria L.; Smith-Sherwood, Dawn, eds. A Laboratory of Her Own: Women and Science in Spanish Culture. Nashville : Vanderbilt University Press, 2021. p. 265-290.
Williams, G. Christopher
Gothic Studies 9(2): 33-44. November 2007.
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