Ireland, Brian
in: Packer, Sharon and Pennington, Jody W. eds. A History of Evil in Popular Culture: What Hannibal Lecter, Stephen King, and Vampires Reveal About America. V. 1, Evil in Film, Television and Music. Santa Barbarbara, CA: Praeger, 2014. p. 125-138.
Poole, William S.
in: Packer, Sharon and Pennington, Jody W. eds. A History of Evil in Popular Culture: What Hannibal Lecter, Stephen King, and Vampires Reveal About America. V. 1, Evil in Film, Television and Music. Santa Barbarbara, CA: Praeger, 2014. p. 257-268.
Hosty, Margaret Louise
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Texas at Dallas, 2019. 1810 p. (DAI-A 83(4)(E).
Alberto, Maria
Mythlore 35(2): 63-80. Spring/Summer 2017.
Beliveau, Ralph; Bolf-Beliveau, Laura
in: George, Susan A. and Hansen, Regina M., eds. Supernatural, Humanity, and the Soul: On the Highway to Hell and Back. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. p. 111-124.
Vertosick, Samantha J.
in: Edmundson, Melissa, ed. The Gothic Tradition in Supernatural. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016. p. 143-154.
Bergen, Richard Angelo
Mythlore 36(1): 103-121. November 2017.
Moules, Thomas
In: Barbini, Francesca T. ed. A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Lunar Press Publishing, 2019. p. 248-262.
Platow, Birte
In: Dinter, Astrid and Soderblom, Kerstin, eds. Vom Logos zum Mythos: “Herr der Ringe" und "Harry Potter" als zentrale Grunderzählungen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Praktisch-theologische und religionsdidaktische Analysen. Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2010. p. 149-184.
Coats, Daryl R.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Mississippi, 1986. 231 p. (DAI-A 47(4).)
Petrova, Erma
Refractory: A Journal of Entertainment Media 2: [10 p.] 2003. (Online resource cited from
Blake, Andrew; Carretero Gonzalez, Margarita; Marquez Linares, Carlos F.
Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness 1(3): 170-181. 2003.
Linder, Heidi
in: The Future in Peril: 1984 and the Anti-Utopians. College Station: Honors Program, Texas A&M University, [1985]. pp. 19-23.
Packer, Sharon; Pennington, Jody W.
Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2014. Volume 1. Evil in film, television, and music. Volume 2. Evil in words, imagery, the news, trials, myths, and religion.
Barbini, Francesca T.
Edinburgh: Lunar Press Publishing, 2019. 422 p.
Pender, Patricia
in: Waggoner, Erin, Ed. Sexual Rhetoric in the Works of Joss Whedon: New Essays. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010. p. 93-105.
Magnusson, Gert
Slayage 9 (2; [#34]): [13 p.] Fall 2012.
Esselborn, Hans
In: Banacker, Maren and Kreizer, Stefanie, eds. Von Mittelerde bis in die Weiten des Alls: Fantasy und Science-Fiction in Literatur und Film: Tagungsband zum Symposion 2005. Wetzlar: Phantastische Bibliothek 2006. p. 82-110.
Keetley, Dawn
In: Riekki, Ron and Wetmore, Kevin J., Jr., eds. The Many Lives of The Twilight Zone: Essays on the Television and Film Franchise. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2022. p. 113-123.
Duriez, Colin
Downers Grove, IL: IVP Books, 2015. 235 p.
Ramachandran, Nandini
in: Money, Mary A., ed. Joss Whedon: the Complete Companion : the TV Series, the Movies, the Comic Books and More. London: Titan, 2012. p. 75-82.
Pretorius, David
Mallorn: Journal of the Tolkien Society No. 40: 32-38. November 2002.
Bellamy, Teika
In: Barbini, Francesca T. ed. A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Lunar Press Publishing, 2019. p. 133-148.
Lakin-Smith, Kim
In: Barbini, Francesca T. ed. A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Lunar Press Publishing, 2019. p. 118-132.
McCrossin, Trip
In: Silverman, Eric J. and Arp, Robert, eds. The Ultimate Game of Thrones and Philosophy: You think or Die. Chicago, IL: Open Court, 2017. p. 159-166.
Fiddes, Paul S.
in: White, Roger, Wolfe, Judith and Wolfe, Brendan N., eds. C.S. Lewis and His Circle: Essays and Memoirs From the Oxford C.S. Lewis Society. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. p. 65-88.
Keene, Katie
Arthuriana 14(3): 3-22. 2004.
Jurich, Marilyn
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 13(3): 271-281. 2003. (No. 51)
Davis, Larry Elton
Ph. D. Dissertation, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1983. 2, xi, 219 p.
Haas, Daniel
in: Foresman, Galen A., ed. Supernatural and philosophy: metaphysics and monsters for idjits. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. p. 111-124.
Sukhenko, Inna
In: Zouidi, Nizar, ed. Performativity of Villainy and Evil in Anglophone Literature and Media. , Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. p. 351-372.
Donnelly, Ashley
in: Parke, Maggie and Wilson, Natalie, eds. Theorizing Twilight: Critical Essays on What's at Stake in a Post-Vampire World. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011. p. 178-193.
Doig, James
in: Szumskyj, Benjamin, ed. American Exorcist: Critical Essays on William Peter Blatty. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2008. p. 124-131.
Silver Leaves No. 2: 35-42. Fall 2008.
Fornet-Ponse, Thomas
in: Wells, Sarah, ed. The Ring Goes Ever On: Proceedings of the Tolkien 2005 Conference: 50 Years of The Lord of the Rings. Coventry, UK: Tolkien Society, 2008. Volume 2, p. 78-90.
Miller, David Lindsay Sean
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of London, Royal Holloway College (UK), 1986. 220 p. (DAI-C 74(7).)
Rosa, Adrian Wayne
Master's Thesis, Florida Atlantic University, 1990. v, 71 p.
Dalton, A. J.
In: Barbini, Francesca T. ed. A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Lunar Press Publishing, 2019. p. 73-101.
Bleiler, Richard
in: Westfahl, Gary, ed. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. pp. 262-265.
Klautau, Diego G.
Ciberteologia: Journal of Theology and Culture 2(8): 1-11. 2006.
Bouhlila, Sadok
In: Zouidi, Nizar, ed. Performativity of Villainy and Evil in Anglophone Literature and Media. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. p. 373-390
Kohler, Anna
In: Barbini, Francesca T. ed. A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Lunar Press Publishing, 2019. p. 373-392.
Rabb, J. Douglas; Richardson, J. Michael
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2007. 198 p.
Kroenert, Tim
in: Szumskyj, Benjamin, ed. American Exorcist: Critical Essays on William Peter Blatty. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2008. p. 112-123.
Perschon, Mike
Master's Thesis, University of Alberta, 2008. vii, 152 p. (MAI 47(4). August 2009.)
Reddin, Chitra Pershad
Ph. D. Dissertation, Dalhousie University, 1978. 308 p. (DAI-A 62(13).)
Kurka, Rostislav
In: Barbini, Francesca T. ed. A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Lunar Press Publishing, 2019. p. 160-188.
Riemenschneider, Dominic
In: Barbini, Francesca T. ed. A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Lunar Press Publishing, 2019. p. 315-338.
Croft, Janet B.
Slayage 12(2; [#40])/13(1; [#41]): [16 p.]. Winter 2014/Spring 2015.
Riches, Simon
in: Nicholas, Jeffery, ed. Dune and Philosophy: The Weirding Way of the Mentat. Chicago: Open Court, 2011. p. 121-128.
Hannah-Jones, Avril
in: Wilson, Leah, ed. In the Hunt: Unauthorized Essays on Supernatural. Dallas, TX: Benbella Books, 2009. p. 53-66.
Bogstad, Janice M.
in: Booker, M. Keith, ed. Contemporary Speculative Fiction. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press, 2013. p. 71-85.
Delsigne, Jill
in: Wells, Sarah, ed. The Ring Goes Ever On: Proceedings of the Tolkien 2005 Conference: 50 Years of The Lord of the Rings. Coventry, UK: Tolkien Society, 2008. Volume 2, p. 99-107.
Patient, Aida; Street, Kori
In: Morris, Phyllis and Patterson, Diana, eds. Accio 2008: A Harry Potter Conference. Oxford: Accio UK, 2008. p. 160-168.
In: Patterson, Diana, ed. Harry Potter's World Wide Influence. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. p. 201-228.
Klug, Franz
In: Eilmann, Julian T. M., Fornet-Ponse, Thomas, 
and Honegger, Thomas, eds. Literary Worldbuilding: 
interdisziplinäres Seminar der DTG, 27. bis 29. Oktober 2017, 
Augsburg. Bonn: Scriptorium Oxoniae, 2017. p. 95-110. (Hither 
Shore Band 14)
Mellen, Alisha
Master's Thesis, Brigham Young University, 1992. viii, 84 p.
Filipowich, Mark
In: Zouidi, Nizar, ed. Performativity of Villainy and Evil in Anglophone Literature and Media. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. p. 411-430.
McKenzie, Tim
in: Wells, Sarah, ed. The Ring Goes Ever On: Proceedings of the Tolkien 2005 Conference: 50 Years of The Lord of the Rings. Coventry, UK: Tolkien Society, 2008. Volume 2, p. 91-98.
Albero Poveda, Jaume
Ph. D. Dissertation, Universidad de Alicante (Spain), 2004. 452 p. (English: 381 p.; Anexo: 54 p.) (28.27 Mb)
Ellison, John
Mallorn: Journal of the Tolkien Society No. 38: 21-29. January 2001.
Berman, Lauren
In: Morris, Phyllis and Patterson, Diana, eds. Accio 2008: A Harry Potter Conference. Oxford: Accio UK, 2008. p. 16-21.
Elder, Matthew J.; Palmer-Patel, Charul
In: Barbini, Francesca T. ed. A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Lunar Press Publishing, 2019. p. 189-209.
Fleurant, Kenneth John
Ph. D. Dissertation, Princeton University, 1973. 230 p. (DAI-A 34(2).)
Bullins, Jeffrey
in: Packer, Sharon and Pennington, Jody W. eds. A History of Evil in Popular Culture: What Hannibal Lecter, Stephen King, and Vampires Reveal About America. V. 1, Evil in Film, Television and Music. Santa Barbarbara, CA: Praeger, 2014. p. 35-46.
Dauphin, Matthew J.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Florida State University, 2017. 163 p. (DAI-A 78(10)(E).)
Symonds, Gwyn
Slayage 4(4): [17 p.]. March 2005. (Online Journal:
Stewart, Zachary
Master's Thesis, Florida Atlantic University, 2013. 91 p. (MAI 52(1)(E), February 2014)
Korpua, Jyrki
In: Barbini, Francesca T. ed. A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Lunar Press Publishing, 2019. p. 278-295.
Frost, R. J.
Vector No. 196: 10-11. November/December 1997.
Schwartzman, Roy
Kinema No. 17: 75-90. Spring 2002.
Chavez, Yvette
Master's Thesis, California State University, Fresno, 2003. 80 p. (MAI 42(2).)
Milan, Anna
In: Barbini, Francesca T. ed. A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Lunar Press Publishing, 2019. p. 361-372.
Stevenson, Barbara
In: Barbini, Francesca T. ed. A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Lunar Press Publishing, 2019. p. 263-277.
Wiebe, Mark
In: Matthew Brake, ed. Theology and Game of Thrones. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2022. p. 125-141.
Fulda, Nancy
Clarkesworld Magazine No. 51: [4 p.] December 2010. (
Howey, Ann F.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Alberta, 1997. 160 p.
Tneh, David
Mallorn: Journal of the Tolkien Society No. 52: 37-42. Autumn 2011.
Plank, Robert
Extrapolation 14(2):100-111. May 1973.
Finley, Laura L.; Mannise, Kelly C.
in: Packer, Sharon and Pennington, Jody W. eds. A History of Evil in Popular Culture: What Hannibal Lecter, Stephen King, and Vampires Reveal About America. V. 1, Evil in Film, Television and Music. Santa Barbarbara, CA: Praeger, 2014. p. 59-72.
Black, Rena
Tolle Lege (Mount Saint Mary's University Emmitsburg, Maryland) 2: 35-43. 2008.
Holdsworth, Lucinda
In: Barbini, Francesca T. ed. A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Lunar Press Publishing, 2019. p. 149-168.
Clark, Craig
Mallorn: Journal of the Tolkien Society No. 35: 15-19. September 1997.
Prorokova-Konrad, Tatiana
In: Grace, Dominick M. and Macklem, Lisa, eds. Supernatural Politics: Essays on Social Engagement, Fandom, and the Series. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2021. p. 74-86.
Watson, James D.
Ed. D. Dissertation, East Texas State University (Texas A&M University, Commerce), 1981. 135pp. (DAI 42(6):2692A)
Pielke, Robert G.
Philosophy in Context 11: 41-50. 1981.
Martin, Donald T.
Ph.D. Dissertation, Ohio State University, 1979. iv, 132 p. (DAI-A 40(10): 5430. April 1980.)
Gould, Jason
In: Barbini, Francesca T. ed. A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Lunar Press Publishing, 2019. p. 23-44.
Rocca, Marthe Tirelli
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 1980. 239 p. (DAI-A 41(12).)
Benitez, Siobhan
In: Brown, Shaun C. and Hackney, Amanda M., eds. Theology and Star Trek. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2023. p. 203-216.
Briggs, Scott D.
in: Szumskyj, Benjamin, ed. American Exorcist: Critical Essays on William Peter Blatty. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2008. p. 9-17.
Harksen, Henrik S.
in: Szumskyj, Benjamin, ed. American Exorcist: Critical Essays on William Peter Blatty. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2008. p. 78-88.
Cade, Octavia J.
In: Barbini, Francesca T. ed. A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Lunar Press Publishing, 2019. p. 231-248.
Stell, Michael J.
In: Brown, Shaun C. and Hackney, Amanda M., eds. Theology and Star Trek. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2023. p. 28-39.
Wise, Dennis Wilson
Honors paper, Kent State University, 2006. vi, 111 p.
Capstick, Alice
In: Barbini, Francesca T.. ed. A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Lunar Press Publishing, 2019. p. 1-22.
Fajardo, Tatiana
In: Barbini, Francesca T. ed. A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Lunar Press Publishing, 2019. p. 296-314.
Edwards, Jason; Klosa, Brian
in: Perlich, John and Whitt, David, eds. Millennial Mythmaking: Essays on the Power of Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature, Films and Games. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010. p. 32-50.
Day, David
San Diego CA: Thunder Bay Press, 2019. 256 p.
Fitzgerald, Sean Z.
In: Barbini, Francesca T. ed. A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Lunar Press Publishing, 2019. p. 393-415.
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