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Werner, Laura
Film and Philosophy 9: 44-56. 2005.
Hoberman, J.
Sight and Sound 11(9): 16-18. September 2001.
Morrissey, Thomas J.
Extrapolation 45(3): 249-262. Fall 2004.
Bazile, Sandrine
Eidôlon No. 73: 165-176. 2004.
Surkan, K.
Femspec 5(1): 114-136. 2004.
Comer, Todd A.
in: Comer, Todd A. and Vayo, Lloyd I., eds. Terror and the Cinematic Sublime : Essays on Violence and the Unpresentable in Post-9/11 Films. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012. p. 165-180.
Morrison, M. Irene
Journal of Postcolonial Writing 54(2): 161-173. 2018.
Liddle, Carol
Film Matters 15(2): 106-109. September 2024.
Rice, Julian
Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017. 297 p.
Williams, Linda R.
In: Pomerance, Murray, ed. The Last Laugh: Strange Humors of Cinema. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2013. p. 208-226.
Naremore, James
Michigan Quarterly Review 44(2): 256-284. Spring 2005.
Sobchack, Vivian C.
Science Fiction Film and Television 1(1): 1-13. Spring 2008.
Rosenbaum, Jonathan
Film Quarterly 6(3): 74-78 Spring 2012.
Fordham, Joe
Cinefex No. 87: 62-93. October 2001.
Loren, Scott
in: Rhodes, Gary D., ed. Stanley Kubrick: Essays on His Films and Legacy. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2008. p. 211-231..
Murray, Will
Starlog 289: 42-45. August 2001.
Arthur, Paul
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Nishime, LeiLani
Cinema Journal 44(2): 34-49. Winter 2005.
In: Barkman, Adam and Sanna, Antonio, eds. Critical Companion to Steven Spielberg, A. New York: Lexington Books, 2019. p. 113-124.
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Hélice: Reflexiones crÃticas sobre ficción especulativa 5(1): 44-55. Primavera-Verano 2019.
Cole, Joshua Bastian
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