Spelling, Ian
Starlog 312: 68-70. July 2003.
Starlog 313: 35-37. August 2003.
Florence, Bill
Starlog 310: 23-27. May 2003.
Starlog 315: 82-85. October 2003.
Munson, Brad
Cinefex No. 94: 43-69. July 2003.
Starlog No. 309: 63-69. April 2003.
Magid, Ron
American Cinematographer 84(4): 48-57. April 2003.
Starlog 312: 64-67. July 2003.
Starlog 314: 82-85. September 2003.
Starlog 311: 66-69. June 2003.
Starlog 314: 77-81. September 2003.
Lee, Paige Marie
Master's Thesis, Brigham Young University, 2022. 60 p. (MAI 84(3)(E),)
Starlog 313: 28-31. August 2003.
Kaklamanidou, Betty
in: Gray, Richard J., II and Kaklamanidou, Betty, eds. The 21st Century Superhero: Essays on Gender, Genre, and Globalization in Film. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011. p. 61-74.
Starlog 313: 32-34. August 2003.
Silberg, Jon
American Cinematographer 84(4): 36-47. April 2003.
Gross, Edward
CFQ: Cinefantastique 35(2): 26-39. April/May 2003.
Newman, Kim
Sight and Sound 13(6): 59-60. June 2003.
Bond, Jeff
Cinefantastique 35(3): 67. June/July 2003.
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