Crowley, Kelley
in: Kapell, Matthew W. and Pilkington, Ace G., eds. The Fantastic Made Visible: Essays on the Adaptation of Science Fiction and Fantasy from Page to Screen. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015. p. 85-100.
Cashill, Robert
Cineaste 44(2): 3-11. Spring 2019.
Wilson, Andrew J.
in: Bacon, Simon, ed. The Anthropocene and the Undead: Cultural Anxieties in the Contemporary Popular Imagination. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2022. p. 169-182.
Seed, David
in: Sage, Victor and Allen L. Smith, eds. Modern Gothic: A Reader. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 1996. pp.152-170.
Menegaldo, Gilles
In: Berthelot, Francis and Clermont, Philippe, eds. Colloque de Cérisy 2006: Science-Fiction et imaginaire contemporains. Paris: Bragelonne, 2007. p. 323-338.
Lowe, Nick
Interzone No. 83: 36. May 1994.
Persons, Dan
Cinefantastique 25(3): 60. June 1994.
Arnold, Gary
Washington (DC) Times. February 19, 1994. in: NewsBank. Film and Television. 21: C3. 1994.
Holder, Keith
Cinefantastique 23(4): 10-11. December 1992.
Johnson, Kim H.
Starlog 185: 50-53, 72. December 1992.
Cinefantastique 24(1): 4-5. June 1993.
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No authors listed.
in: Magill's Cinema Annual 1995. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 1996. p. 77.
Baltake, Joe
Sacramento (CA) Bee January 14, 1994. in: NewsBank. Film and Television 9: G4. 1994.
Friedrich, Andreas
In: Koebner, Thomas, ed. Filmgenres: Science Fiction. Stuttgart: Reclam, 2003. p. 93-105.
Taylor, Alison
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Marr, Madeleine
San Juan (Puerto Rico) Star November 18, 1993. in: NewsBank. Film and Television. 124:F3. 1993.
Ulonska, Benjamin R.
in: Georgi, Sonja and Loock, Kathleen, eds. Of Body Snatchers and Cyberpunks: Student Essays on American Science Fiction Film. Gottingen: Universitatsverlag Gottingen, 2011. p. 161-172.
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Bokos, Borbala
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Robinson, Juneko J.
in: Lukas, Scott A. and Marmysz, John, eds. Fear, Cultural Anxiety and Transformation: Horror, Science Fiction, and Fantasy Films Remade. Lanham: Lexington, 2009. p. 23-44.
Combs, James
in: McCarthy, Kevin; Gorman, Edward, eds. They're Here--: Invasion of the Body Snatchers: A Tribute. New York: Berkley, 1999. p. 37-49.
Nelson, Erika
Extrapolation 52(1): 51-74. Spring 2011.
Huygens, Ils
in: Lukas, Scott A. and Marmysz, John, eds. Fear, Cultural Anxiety and Transformation: Horror, Science Fiction, and Fantasy Films Remade. Lanham: Lexington, 2009. p. 45-60.
Colon, Gilbert
In: McCarthy, Kevin; Gorman, Ed, eds. Invasion of the Body Snatchers: A Tribute. Eureka, CA: Stark House, 2020. p. 160-177.
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