Lingel, Jessica; Pluretti, Roseann; Sinnreich, Aram
ETC: A Review of General Semantics 72(4): 392-399. October 2015.
Raso, Andrea
de genere: Rivista di studi letterari, postcoloniali e di genere/Journal of Literary, Postcolonial and Gender Studies No. 9: 65-84. 2023.
Erb, Cynthia M.
Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2009. 315 p.
Dumoulin, Pierre Gabriel; Lescouet, Emmanuelle
ReS futurae: Revue d’etudes sur la science-fiction No. 24: . 2024.
Meuchel, Aimee
Master's Paper, M.S.L.S., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1999. 44 p.
Pearson, Wendy G.
In: Yaszek, Lisa, Fritzsche, Sonja, Omry, Keren, and Wendy G. Pearson, eds. The Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 175-182.
Duggan, Jennifer
Children's Literature in Education 53(2): June 2022. 147-168.
Kirkpatrick, Ellen
Cinema Journal 55(1): 124-133. Fall 2015.
Bolles, Marilyn Frances
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 2001. 171 p. (DAI-A 62(7): 2431. January 2002.)
Kempen, Bernhard
In: Wylutzki, Melanie and Kettlitz, Hardy, eds. Das Science Fiction Jahr 2020. Berlin: Hirnkost, 2020. p. 111-119.
Densen, Dray
In: Gill, Jon I., ed. Toward Afrodiasporic and Afrofuturist Philosophies 
of Religion. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2022. p . 11-50.
Robles, Lola
In: Roas, David, ed. El monstruo fantástico. Visiones y perspectivas. s.l.: Aluvion Editorial, 2016. p. 173-198.
Raphael, Raphael; Siddique, Sophia
New York: Springer, 2016. 246 p.
Tharp, Julie
Journal of Popular Film and Television 19(3): 106-113. 1991.
Delgado, Francisco
Ph. D. Dissertation, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2017. 163 p. (DAI-A 79(2)(E).)
Williams, Tony
in: Grant, Barry K., ed. The Dread of Difference: Gender and the Horror Film. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1996. pp.164-180.
Ames, Melissa
in: Click, Melissa A., et al, eds. Bitten by Twilight: Youth Culture, Media, and the Vampire Franchise. New York: Peter Lang, 2010. p. 37-54.
Silver, Anna
Studies in the Novel 42(1/2): 121-138 . Spring/Summer 2010.
Hepola, Sarah
Salon Magazine. [5 p.] November 16, 2009. Online resource:
Barth, Josie Torres
Ph. D. Dissertation, McGill University, 2019. 214 p. (DAI-A 82(5)(E).)
Hovey, Jaime
Critical Quarterly 57(1): 86-98. April 2015.
Averill, Lindsey I.
in: Parke, Maggie and Wilson, Natalie, eds. Theorizing Twilight: Critical Essays on What’s at Stake in a Post-Vampire World. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011. p. 224-238.
Shawl, Nisi
in: Knost, Michael, ed. Writers Workshop of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Lexington, KY: Seventh Star press, 2013. p. 163-176.
Martinez, Michelle M.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2019. 152 p. (DAI-A 83(7)(E).)
Bennett, Brooke
Feminist Media Studies 19(5): 637-650. 2019.
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