Brandt, Helga; Pasero, Ursula; Rogotzki, Nina
in: Rogotzki, Nina, ed. Faszinierend! Star Trek und die Wissenschaften. Kiel: Ludwig, 2003. Band 1, p. 312-336.
Kriete, Lucinda M.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Washington State University, 2000. 206 p. (DAI-A 61(9): 3568. March 2001.)
Blakely, Kathryn
P. D. Dissertation, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 2022. 230 p. (DAI-A 84(5)(E).)
Palmer, Lorrie
Science Fiction Film and Television 12(1): 29-51. Spring 2019.
Kelly, Jo Ann
Master's Thesis, University of Wyoming, 1972. 109 p. (MAI 45(3)(M).)
Hackett, Paul M. W.; Li, Chenwei
New York: Routledge, 2022. 104 p.
Risher, Lori; Sprague, Marsha M.
ALAN Review 29(2): 39-42. Winter 2002.
Lips, Hilary M.
Teaching of Psychology 17(3):197-198. October 1990.
Valentin, Al
In: Still, Julie M. and Wilkinson, Zara T., eds. Buffy to Batgirl: Essays on Female Power, Evolving Femininity and Gender Roles in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2019. p. 175-215.
Fisiak, Tomasz; Ostalska, Katarzyna
in: Ostalska, Katarzyna and Fisiak, Tomasz, eks. The Postworld In-Between Utopia and Dystopia. London: Routledge, 2021. p. 1-13.
Davis, Jalondra A.
MOSF Journal of Science Fiction 3(1): [14 p.]. 2019.
Drage, Eleanor
Ph. D. Dissertation, Universidad de Granada, 2019. 346 p.
Roemer, Kenneth M.
Science Fiction Studies 23(3): 393-405. November 1996.
Lochel, Rolf
Sulzbach: Helmer, 2012. 345 p.
Mitchell, Elise Joanne
Master's Thesis, University of Victoria (British Columbia), 2000. iv, 119 p.
Aleksic, Tatjana
In: Aubrey, James, ed. Vampire Films Around the World: Essays on the Cinematic Undead of Sixteen Cultures. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 2020. p. 229-244.
Hampton, Gregory J.
CLA Journal 52(1): 74-91. 2008.
Achsel, Isabel
in: Petzold, Dieter, ed. Inklings: Jahrbuch fur Literature und Asthetik; Geister: Einblicke in das Unsichtbare Internationale Symposium 1. bis 3. Mai 2015 in Leipzig, Band 33, 2015. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2015. 99-112.
Day, William P.
in: Nardo, Don, ed. Readings on Frankenstein. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 2000. pp.78-83.
Buran, Sumeyra
Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 62(3): 253-268. 2021.
Wyatt, Jean
in: Tucker, Lindsey, ed. Critical Essays on Angela Carter. New York: G. K. Hall, 1998. pp. 60-82.
Baldi, Elio
Extrapolation 64(2): July 2023. 229-257.
Burke, Mary C.; Kelly, Maura
in: Gurr, Barbara, ed. Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Post-Apocalyptic TV and Film. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. p. 59-70.
Benjamin, Amy J>
Senior Honors Thesis, Brandeis University, 1986. 105 p.
Guyant, Valerie
Ph. D. Dissertation, Northern Illinois University, 2012. 329 p. (DAI-A 72(12): 4556. 2012.)
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