Morgan, Cheryl
in: Barbini, Francesca T., ed, Worlds Apart: Worldbuilding in Fantasy and Science Fiction. s.l.: Academia Lunare (Lunar Press), 2021, p. 74-88.
Herington, Caitlin
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Baker, Dallas J.
in: Baker, Donna L. and Sulway, Nike, eds. Recovering History Through Fact and Fiction: Forgotten Lives. Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars' Publishing, 2017. p. 123-145.
Bennett, Kathleen E.
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La Peruta, Roberta
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In: Lee, Regina Yung and McCormack, Una, eds. Biology and Manners: Essays on the Worlds and Works of Lois McMaster Bujold. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 2020. p. 56-70.
Neves Marques, Pedro
London: Sternberg Press, 2021. 229 p.
Gavaler, Chris
ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies 7(4), 2013. unpaginated. Dept of English, University of Florida. 26 January 2015. ( Accessed 16 January 2022.
Doherty, Nathaniel P.
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Bradley, Marion Z.
The Witch and the Chameleon 4: 19-25 (September 1975).
Bodden, Tamara
In: Wylutzki, Melanie and Kettlitz, Hardy, eds. Das Science Fiction Jahr 2024. Berlin: Hirnkost, 2024. p. 111-124.
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Swanson, Alexandra
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Franiuk, Renae; Scherr, Samantha
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