Mann, Roland
Master's Thesis, University of North Alabama, 2002. 60 p.
Chapman, Edgar L.; Yoke, Carl B.
Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2003. 330 p.
McKenzie, John M.
in: Brummett, Barry, ed. Clockwork Rhetoric: The Language and Style of Steampunk. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2014. p. 135-158.
Kincaid, Paul
Vector No. 186: 3. December 1995.
Campbell, Jane Powell
Ph. D. Dissertation, Middle Tennessee State University, 1998. 130pp. (DAI-A 59(4): 1161. Oct. 1998.)
Marra, Emiliano
In: Bruno, Valerio Alfonso, Campati, Antonio, Carelli, Paolo, and Sfardini, Anna, eds. Dystopian Worlds Beyond Storytelling: Representations of Dehumanized Societies in Literature, Media, and Political Discourses: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag, Hannover, 2024. p. 221-234.
Mo Welin, Erik
Ph. D. Dissertation, Uppsala Universitet, 2023. 215 p.
Fowler, Ryan C.
In: Quiroga Puertas, Alberto J., Olabarria, Leire, and Tattersdill, Will, eds. The Ancient World in Alternative History and Counterfactual Fictions. London, England: Bloomsbury Publishing; 2024. p. 33–51.
Roas, David
Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2022. 158 p.
Baxter, Stephen
Vector No. 179: 26-27. June/July 1994. (Online Resource: [3 p.])
Brickler, Alexander Dumas J., IV
Ph. D. Dissertation, Florida State University, 2018. 240 p. (DAI-A 80(1)(E).)
Bazin, Laurent; Clermont, Philippe
in: Vas-Deyres, Natacha, et al, eds. Les Dieux caches de la science-fiction francaise et francophone (1950-2010). Bordeaux: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2014. p. 201-212.
Beaule, Sophie
In: Vas-Deyres, Natacha, Bergeron, Patrick, and Patrick Guay, eds. C'était demain: anticiper la science-fiction en France et au Québec (1880-1950). Bordeaux: Presses Univeritaires de Bordeaux, 2018. (Eidolon, No. 123.) p. 19-30.
Morgan, Glyn
Polish Journal for American Studies. Yearbook of the Polish Association for American Studies Vol. 12: 307-317. Autumn 2018.
Wegner, Phillip E.
CR: The New Centennial Review 13(2): 31-66. Fall 2013.
Helbig, Jorge
in: Jeschke, Wolfgang, ed. Das Science Fiction Jahr No. 4, 1989. München: Heyne, 1989. p. 392-403.
Hellekson, Karen
In: Fleiner, Carey and October, Dene, eds. Doctor Who and History: Critical Essays on Imagining the Past. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 2017. p. 118-131.
Schmeink, Lars
Current Objectives of American Postgraduate Studies 10, 2009.
Otranto, Elia; Quiroga Puertas, Alberto J.
In: Quiroga Puertas, Alberto J., Olabarria, Leire, and Tattersdill, Will, eds. The Ancient World in Alternative History and Counterfactual Fictions. London, England: Bloomsbury Publishing; 2024. p. 105-120.
Brioni, Simone
Science Fiction Studies 42(2): 305-321. July 2015.
Pollack, Andrew
Austin (TX) American Statesman Sec. A, p. 17. March 19, 1995.
Swift, Tamara E.
SFRA Review No. 330: 65-69. Fall 2019. (Symposium: Area X: Five Years Later)
Dann, Jack
London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. 169 p.
Pointner, Frank E.
In: Ludwig, Christian and Shipley, Elizabeth, eds. Mapping the Imaginative 2: Teaching Fantasy and Science Fiction in the EFL Classroom. Heidelberg: Neckar Universitätsverlag Winter, 2020. p. 145-162.
Powell, Zachary Michael
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Rochester, 2021. 346 p. (DAI-A 83(2)(E).)
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