Petersen-Deeprose, Danna
Master's Thesis, McGill University, 2018. 102 p. (MAI 82(1)(E).)
Roumeliotis, Holly Marie
Master's Thesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2018. 139 p. (MAI 58(4)(E).)
Tanner, John S.
Extrapolation 30(3):267-279. Fall 1989.
Collings, Michael R.
in: Setzer, Steve, and Parkin, Marny K., eds. Deep Thoughts: Proceedings of Life, The Universe and Everything XIV, February 1-4, 1995. Provo, UT: LTU&E, 1997. pp. 7-24.
Lutton, Jeannette H.
in: Sullivan, C. W., III, ed. The Dark Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Ninth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1997. pp.67-76.
Rollin, Roger B.
College English 31(5): 431-449. February 1970.
Perkins, Anne Peper
Ph. D. Dissertation, Washington University in St. Louis, 1986. 331 p. (DAI-A47(8): 3028-3029. February 1987.)
Kean, Margaret
in: Sullivan, Ceri/White, Barbara, eds. Writing and Fantasy. New York: Longman, 1999. pp. 77-94.
Weidenhamer, Alex
Master's Thesis, Western Illinois University, 2008. 78 p. (MAI 82(7)(E).)
Oppermann, Eva
In: Petzold, Dieter and Seibel, Klaudia, eds. Inklings Jahrbuch fur Literatur und Asthetik: Frankenstein 1818 · 2018 Parabel der Moderne / Parable of the Modern Age. Symposium 2018 in Ingolstadt. Inklings Jahrbuch No. 36. New York: Peter Lang, 2018. p. 169-181.
Reeves, Brianna
Master's Thesis, Sam Houston State University, 2018. 129 p. (MAI 57(6)(E).)
Soyka, David
Extrapolation 33(2): 166-177. Summer 1992.
Gilbert, Elizabeth E. J.
In: Lehner, Christoph and Singer, Christoph, eds. Dante and Milton: Envisioned Visionaries. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. p. 181-201.
Holt, Shari H.
in: Brode, Douglas and Brode, Shea T., eds. Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek: The Original Cast Adventures. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015. p. 25-38.
Ballhausen, Thomas
Quarber Merkur No. 95/96: 33-46. December 2002.
Hackenbracht, Ryan
Milton Studies 57(1): 293-321. 2017.
Robinson, Karen D.
Mythlore 24(2; [92]): 2-17. Summer/Fall 2004.
Casey, Taylor R.
Master's Thesis, State University of New York at Albany, 2023. 49 p. (MAI 84(11)(E).)
McBride, Sam
Lamp Post 20(3): 4-16. Autumn 1996.
Greenaway, Jonathan
Ph. D. Dissertation, Manchester Metropolitan University, 2017. 273 p. (DAI-C 81(12(E).) (1 Mb)
Klassen, Norm
In: Hilder, Monika B., Pearson, Sara L., and Van Dyke, Laura N., eds. The Inklings and Culture: A Harvest of Scholarship from the Inklings Institute of Canada. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020. p. 357-371.
Lee, Tonhi
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, 2022. 316 p. (DAI-A 84(3)(E).)
Sueda, Katherine C.
Milton Studies 63(1): 136-153. 2021.
Sueda, Katherine Calloway
Milton Studies 63(1): 136-153.. March 2021.
Calloway Sueda K.
Milton Studies 63(1): 136–153. March 2021.
Found 44 items on 2 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.