No authors listed.
Science Fiction Chronicle 2(3):2. December 1980.
Young, Suzie
in: Schneider, Steven J./Williams, Tony, eds. Horror International. Detroit: Wayne State University, 2005. p. 235-256.
Singer, Sandra
7 p. Paper presented at the Academic Track, World Science Fiction Convention, Glascow, Scotland, August 4-8, 2005. Online at:
Dupuis, Gilles
in: Novelli, Novella, ed. Au Coeur de l’avenir: Literature d’anticipation dans les texts te a l’ecran. Bologna, Italy: Angelus Novus Edizioni, 2002. p. 87-101.
Champetier, Joel
in: Paradis, Andrea, ed. Out of This World: Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. s. l.: Quarry Press, 1995. pp. 212-218.
Dilda, Dilman
Vector No. 287: 27-28. Spring 2018.
Smith, Michelle D.
Book History 9: 261-289. 2006.
Winston, Iris
National Library News (Canada) 27(5): 2-4. May 1995.
Protee 10(2): 61-70. Summer 1982.
Bedford, Anna L.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park, 2014. 254 p.
Jarraway, David R.
in: Leroux, Jean-Francois/La Bossiere, Camille R., eds. Worlds of Wonder: Readings in Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2004. p. 81-94.
Science Fiction Chronicle 24(8; [227]): 6. August 2002.
Tessier, Mario
Contemporary French and Francophone Studies 15(2): 199 - 207. 2011
Baker, Neal
Extrapolation 42(3): 218-231. Fall 2001.
Freitag, Gina; Loiselle, Andre
American Review of Canadian Studies 43(2): 190-203. 2013.
Science Fiction Chronicle 9(10):5. July 1988.
Gotlieb, Phyllis
in: Paradis, Andrea, ed. Out of This World: Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. s. l.: Quarry Press, 1995. pp. 197-203.
Grace, Dominick M.
Foundation No. 110: 60-72. Winter 2010.
Weiss, Allan
in: Leroux, Jean-Francois/La Bossiere, Camille R., eds. Worlds of Wonder: Readings in Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2004. p. 35-46.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015. 245 p.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015. 292 p.
Hardy-Vallee, Michel
in: Berninger, Mark, Eche, Joche and Haberkorn, Gideon, eds. Comics as a Nexus of Culture: Essays on the Interplay of Media, Disciplines, and International Perspectives, ed. by Mark Berninger, Jochen Eche and Gideon Haberkorn. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010. p. 85-98.
Ransom, Amy J.
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 26(2): 251-275. 2015.
Hadji, Robert
in: Paradis, Andrea, ed. Out of This World: Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. s. l.: Quarry Press, 1995. pp. 131-139.
Saltman, Judith
Canadian children's literature. Litterature canadienne pour la jeunesse No. 82: 69-80. 1996.
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