Freeburg, Sage Alexandra
Master's Thesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2020. 76 p. (MAI 82(3).)
Behrmann, Bridget
Verniana: Jules Verne Studies 7: 1-16. 2014/2015.
Evans, Arthur B.
Science-Fiction Studies 32(1): 1-4. March 2005.
Stoltzfus, Ben
The Comparatist 35: 68-84. May 2011.
Bernigole, Florence; Bernigole, Vincent; Boimare, Serge
Malakoff: Dunod, 2023. 314 p. 2nd Edition.
Huet, Marie-Helene
Verniana: Jules Verne Studies 9: 29-42. 2016/2017.
Bachmann, Hans
Hochschulschrift, University of Griefswald, 1916; Greifswald: Abel, 1916. xi, 62pp.
Verniana: Jules Verne Studies 11: 1-20. 2018/2020.
Compere, Daniel; Margot, Jean-Michel
Geneve: Editions Slatkine, 1998. 275pp.
Martin, Andrew
Modern Language Review 77(1): 51-62. January 1982.
Lafleur, Laurence J.
Popular Astronomy 50(8):431-433. October 1942.
Kouassi, Ahoutou Escoffier-Ulrich
Ph. D. Dissertation, University Felix Houphouet-Boigny, 2019. 359 p.
Gorfti, Ouafa
Ph. D. Dissertation, Paris 3, 1995. 345 p.
Bourg, Guillaume
Master's Thesis, Lyon 3, 1995. 124 p.
Taves, Brian
Verniana: Jules Verne Studies 1: 23-30. 2008/2009. (
Tussing, Ashley
Master's Thesis, Purdue University, 2010. 96 p. (MAI 49(2), April 2011.)
L'Esprit Créateur 28(1): 75-86. Spring 1988.
Deam, Natalie
Ph. D. Dissertation, Stanford University, 2019. 311 p. (DAI-A 82(5)(E).)
Valiunas, Algis
Weekly Standard 19 (42): [3 p.]. July 21, 2014. (Online resource: Accessed 11.July.2014.
Schmidtchen, P. W.
Hobbies 76(10):135-136,145. December 1971.
Lofficier, Jean-Marc
Starlog 288: 10-16. July 2001.
Ketterer, David
in: Collins, Robert A. and Pearce, Howard D., eds. Scope of the Fantastic: Theory, Technique, Major Authors. Westport: Greenwood, 1985. p. 263-275.
in: Tolley, M. J., ed. The Stellar Gauge. Carleton, Australia: Norstrilia, 1980. pp. 5-24.
Fabre, Michel
in: Mustiere, Philippe and Fabre, Michel, eds. Jules Verne: Les Machines et la Science; Actes du Colloque international 12 October 2005. Nantes: Coiffard, 2005. p. 187-195
Pringle, David; Westfahl, Gary
Interzone No. 191: 55-57. September 2003.
Unwin, Timothy
In: Smyth, Edmund J. ed. Jules Verne: Narratives of Modernity. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1999. p. 46-59.
Rose, Mark
Science-Fiction Studies 8(2): 121-142. July 1981.
Naha, Ed
Future 3: 34-39, 47. July 1978.
Perschon, Mike
Verniana: Jules Verne Studies 2: 179-193. 2009/2010. (
In: Westfahl, Gary, ed. Jules Verne Lives!: Essays on His Works and Legacy. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 2023. p. 185-202.
Asimov, Isaac
in: Asimov, Isaac. Asimov on Science Fiction. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1981. pp. 184-186.
Christie, Ian
in: Solomon, Matthew, ed. Fantastic Voyages of the Cinematic Imagination: Georges Méliès's Trip to the Moon. Albany : State University of New York Press, 2011. p. 65-80.
in: Asimov, Isaac. The Tyrannosaurus Prescription and 100 Other Essays. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus, 1989. pp.281-285.
Knott, David
Vector No. 138: 6-9. June/July 1987.
Evans, I. O.
in: Evans, I. O. Jules Verne and His Work. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1966. pp. 155-164.
Suvin, Darko
In: Darko Suvin. Parables of Freedom and Narrative Logics. Vol. 1, ed. by Eric D. Smith. New York: Peter Lang, 2021. p. 67-84.
Le Lay, Colette
in: Mustiere, Philippe and Fabre, Michel, eds. Jules Verne: Les Machines et la Science; Actes du Colloque international 12 October 2005. Nantes: Coiffard, 2005. p. 159-167.
Jones, William B., Jr.
Verniana: Jules Verne Studies 4: 67-92. 2011/2012.
Rego, Bruno
Verniana 12: 57-70. 2020/2022.
Crossley, Robert
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 2. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 850-854.
Wooster, Martin M.
in: Westfahl, Gary, ed. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. p. 1051-1053.
Jiang, Jing
Cultural Critique No. 80:131-149. Winter 2012.
Wing, Thomas C.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Yale University, 2013. 201 p. (DAI 74. June 2014)
Meakin, David
in: Smyth, Edmund J., ed. Jules Verne: Narratives of Modernity. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 2000. pp.94-108.
Schlitz, Francoise I.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Southampton (UK), 2007. 252 p. (DAI-C 68(3). Fall 2007.)
Miller, Ron
Starlog 56: 54-56. March 1982.
Demerliac, Jean
Verniana: Jules Verne Studies 6: 111-138. 2013/2014.
Crovisier, Jacques
Verniana: Jules Verne Studies 6: 93-110. 2013/2014.
Dupuy, Lionel
Ph. D. Dissertation, Pau, 2009. 332 p. (Published by La Clef d'Argent, 2013. 152 p.)
Butor, Michel
in: Butor, Michel. Inventory. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1968. pp. 114-145. (Reprinted from Artes et Lettres 15: 3-31. 1949)
Found 725 items on 15 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.