Collings, Michael R.
New York: Greenwood, 1990. 192pp.
No authors listed.
Online Resource: Computer Crow's Nest. [6 p.] January 8, 2005. (Reprinted from Del Rey Internet Newsletter?) (
Mittelmark, Howard
New York Review of Science Fiction No. 23: 12-16. July 1990.
Moser, Cliff
Science Fiction Review No. 32:32-35. August 1979.
Inside Books pp. 38-39. January 1989.
White, Cindy [5 p.] undated. Online Resource:
Thomas, Pascal J.
FictIon No. 328: 172-182. Avril 1982
Decker, Kevin S.
in: Decker, Kevin S., ed. Ender's Game and Philosophy: the Logic Gate is Down. Somerset, NJ: Wiley, 2013. p. 1-5.
Card, Orson S.
in: Card, Orson, S., ed. Ender's World: Fresh Perspectives on the SF Classic Ender's Game. Dallas, TX: Smart Pop/Benbella Books, 2013. p.v-xv.
Holt, James
in: Wittkower, D. E. and Rush, Lucinda, eds. Ender's Game and Philosophy: Genocide in Child's Play. Chicago: Open Court, 2013. p. 95-103.
Sorensen, Kelly; Sorensen, Thomas
in: Wittkower, D. E. and Rush, Lucinda, eds. Ender's Game and Philosophy: Genocide in Child's Play. Chicago: Open Court, 2013. p. 223-230.
Forry, Joan G.
in: Wittkower, D. E. and Rush, Lucinda, eds. Ender's Game and Philosophy: Genocide in Child's Play. Chicago: Open Court, 2013. p. 27-36.
Callaway, Elizabeth
Contemporary Literature 59(2): 232-260. Summer 2018.
Campbell, James
Science Fiction Studies 36(3): 490-507. November 2009.
Schwab, Abraham P.
in: Wittkower, D. E. and Rush, Lucinda, eds. Ender's Game and Philosophy: Genocide in Child's Play. Chicago: Open Court, 2013. p. 231-238.
Manfredo, Stephane
Galaxies science-fiction No 20: 151-159. printemps 2001.
Leading Edge No. 23: . Winter 1991.
Grebowicz, Margret
in: Grebowicz, Margret, ed. SciFi in the Mind's Eye : Reading Science Through Science Fiction. Chicago: Open Court, 2007. p. 286-300.
Day, Sara K.
ESC: English Studies in Canada 38(3/4): 207-225. 2012.
Pointon, Collin
in: Wittkower, D. E. and Rush, Lucinda, eds. Ender's Game and Philosophy: Genocide in Child's Play. Chicago: Open Court, 2013. p. 213-222.
Leading Edge No. 16: 59-69. Winter 1988.
Ryder, Mike
Foundation 52 (1; [#144]): 36-47. 2023.
Sayles, Kenneth W., III
in: Decker, Kevin S., ed. Ender's Game and Philosophy: the Logic Gate is Down. Somerset, NJ: Wiley, 2013. p. 189-201.
Crowe, Edith L.
Mythlore 23(3): 56-69. Summer 2001. (No. 89)
Sheu, Chingshun J.
Ex-position 47: 59-78. June 2022.
Found 229 items on 10 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.