Nicholls, Stan
Starlog 291: 86-90. October 2001.
Holman, Judith
in: Budrys, Algis, ed. L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume XVI. Los Angeles: Bridge, 2000. pp. 243-521.
Davidsmeyer, Jo
Strange New Worlds No. 7: 6-8. April/May 1993.
Barrett, Robert R.
Burroughs Bulletin No. 66: 22-23. Spring 2006.
Van Hise, James
Burroughs Bulletin NS. No. 20: 27-28. October 1994.
Newton, Sarah
Focus No. 62: 16-19. Summer 2014.
Paget, Stephen
Sense of Wonder (B. Dalton) pp.1-4. October/November 1993.
Lovisi, Gary
Paperback Parade No. 72: 28-34. May 2009.
Scala, Keith
Quest: History of Spaceflight 17(2): 48-55. 2010.
Webber, Ken
Burroughs Bulletin NS No. 7: 12-21. July 1991.
Wilcutt, Dennis
in: Van Hise, James, ed. Edgar Rice Burroughs' Fantastic Worlds. Yucca Valley, CA: James Van Hise, 1996. pp.138-155.
Webber, Kenneth
Burroughs Bulletin No. 39: 12-17. Summer 1999.
Galko, Virginia
Janus 12/13:26-28. Summer/Autumn 1978.
Kahiu, Wanuri
In: Byrne-Smith, Dan, ed. Science Fiction. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2020. p. 100-104. Extracts from ‘Ancestors of the Future’, in African Futures: Thinking About the Future Through Word and Image, eds. Lien Heidenreich-Seleme & Sean O’Toole (Bielefeild: Kerber Verlag, 2016) 165–74.
Clemens, Sarah
in: Palumbo, Donald, ed. Eros in the Mind's Eye. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1986. pp.111-116.
Hunt, Beatrix K.
in: Westfahl, Gary, Slusser, George, and Plummer, Kathleen C., eds. Unearthly Visions: Approaches to Science Fiction and Fantasy Art. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2002. pp. 125-140.
Burroughs Bulletin NS. No. 15: 22-25. July 1993.
Baumann, Hans D.
Science Fiction Times (Germany) 27(6): 4-14. June 1985.
Bedford, Christopher
In: Byrne-Smith, Dan, ed. Science Fiction. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2020. p. 73-74. Reprinted from Artforum October 2009.
No authors listed.
Locus 70(3): 69. March 2013.
Bultena, John
in: Prescott, Tara, ed. Neil Gaiman in the 21st Century: Essays on the Novels, Children's Stories, Online Writings, Comics, and Other Works. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015. p. 195-215.
Muchnic, Suzanne
Los Angeles Times July 6, 1985. in: NewsBank. Fine Arts and Architecture 1:B14. July 1985.
Reed, Peter J.
in: Reed, Peter J. and Leeds, Marc, eds. The Vonnegut Chronicles: Interviews and Essays. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1996. pp.205-222.
Doering, David
Leading Edge No. 2:5-7. 1981.
Spate, Virginia
in: Kamenka, Eugene, ed. Utopias: Papers From the Annual Symposium of the Australian Academy of Humanities. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1987. pp.101-109.
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