Jantsang, Tani
Crypt of Cthulhu 13(1): 36-37, 33. 1993. (No. 85)
Oakes, David Ashby
Ph. D. Dissertation, Texas Christian University, 1998. 296pp. (DAI-A 59(5): 1573. Nov. 1998.)
Shapira, Tom
In: Dreysse Passos de Carvalho, Max J. and Lanzendorfer, Tim, eds. The Medial Afterlives of H.P. Lovecraft: Comic, Film, Podcast, TV, Games. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. p. 101-119.
Price, Robert M.
Lovecraft Studies 7(1): 12-13, 18. Spring 1988. [No. 16]
Faig, Kenneth W., Jr.
In: Joshi, S. T., ed. Lovecraft Annual, No. 12. New York: Hippocampus Press, 2018. p. 66-74.
Rochon, Esther
Lovecraft Studies No. 35: 1-8. Fall 1996.
Blosser, Fred
Crypt of Cthulhu 15(1): 52-53. 1995. (No. 91)
Lovecraft, H. P.
Crypt of Cthulhu 8(3): 39-47. 1989. (No. 62)
Setiya, Kieran
Lovecraft Studies No. 26: 14-16. Spring 1992.
Ellis, Phillip A.
In: Joshi, S. T., ed. Lovecraft Annual, No. 8. New York: Hippocampus Press, 2014. p. 150-161.
Joshi, S. T.
Crypt of Cthulhu 3(4): 25-26. 1984. (No. 20) (Reprinted in: Joshi, S. T., ed. Lovecraft and a World in Transition: Collected Essays on H. P. Lovecraft. New York: Hippocampus, 2014. p. 437-439.)
Rottensteiner, Franz
Frankfurt-am-Main: Suhrkamp, 1984. 300 p.
Filho, Lucio R.; Schvarzman, Sheila
In: Alcala Gonzalez, Antonio and Sederholm, Carl H., eds. Lovecraft in the 21st Century: Dead, But Still Dreaming. New York: Routledge, 2022. p. 43-56.
Root, Damon
Reason 51(8): 52-55. January 2020.
Moreau, Denis
Europe 94(1044): 32-44. Avril 2016.
Ellis, Philip A.
In: Joshi, S. T., ed. Lovecraft Annual, No. 1. New York: Hippocampus Press, 2007. p. 84-90.
Bienvenido, Héctor Puente; Ruíz, Marta Fernández
Brumal: Revista de Investigacion sobre lo Fantastico. 3(1): 95-118. Spring 2015. (http://revistes.uab.cat/brumal/issue/archive)
Farnell, David
Arena Journal # 35/36: 141-156. 2011.
Perez-de-Luque. Juan L.
in: Quinn, Dennis P., ed. Lovecraftian Proceedings 2: Select Papers from the Dr. Henry Armitage Memorial Scholarship Symposium, Necronomicon, Providence, 2015. Providence, NY: Hippocampus Press, 2015. p. 109-118.
Stumpo, Jeff
New York Review of Science Fiction 25(6): 1, 8-11. February 2013. (No. 294)
Campbell, Ramsey
In: Campbell, Ramsey Certainly: Essays and Reviews 2002-2017, ed. by S. T. Joshi. Hornsea, UK: PS Publishing, 2022. p. 43-47.
Smith, Clark A.
in: Pelan, John and Walters, Jerard, eds. Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle. Lake Wood, CO: Centipede Press, 2009. p. 60. ( Reprinted from Weird Tales, February 1933.)
Monteleone, Paul
Lovecraft Studies No. 34: 27-35. Spring 1996.
Montelone, Paul
in: Connors, Scott, ed. A Century Less a Dream: Selected Criticism on H. P. Lovecraft. Holicong, PA: Wildside, 2002. p. 230-242.
Murphy, Timothy S.
Science Fiction Film and Television 14(1): 71-81. Spring 2021.
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