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Jesmok, Janet
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New York: HarperCollins, 1991. 273pp.
Cordier, Hélène
Fantasy Art and Studies No. 7: 49-57. Fall 2019.
Longley, Anne P.
Arthuriana 12(3): 49-62. Fall 2002.
Schwartz, Debora B.
Arthuriana 12(2): 3-29. Summer 2002.
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in: Thompson, Raymond H. Taliesin’s Successors: Interviews. (The Camelot Project: Arthurian Texts, Images, Bibliographies and Basic Information) (Online Resource: http://www.lib.rochester.edu/camelot/intrvws/contents.htm) [13 p.]
Dentzien, Nicole
Arthuriana 13(1): 43-65. Spring 2003.
Arden, Heather; Lorenz, Kathryn
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Brenion, Antoinette H.
Mythlore 6(2):7-9, 38. Spring 1979.
Lovecy, Ian
in: Bromwich, Rachel, Jarman, A. O. H. and Roberts, Brynley F., eds. The Arthur of the Welsh. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1991. pp.171-182.
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in: Fulton, Helen, ed. A Companion to Arthurian Literature. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. p. 44-57.
Doherty, John J.
Extrapolation 40(1): 71-80. Spring 1999.
Martin, Carol A. N.
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Anderson, Michael W.
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Fries, Maureen
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Couch, Julie N.
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Kansas Quarterly 16(3): 45-49. Summer 1984.
Ackerman, Felicia N.
Arthuriana 16(1): 47-53. Spring 2006.
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Nichols, Stephen G.
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Bolduc, Michelle
Arthuriana 12(1): 101-112. Spring 2002.
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in: Archibald, Elizabeth and Putter, Ad, eds. The Cambridge Companion to the Arthurian Legend. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009. p. 171-187.
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in: Fries, Maureen and Watson, Jeanie, eds. Approaches to the Teaching of the Arthurian Tradition. New York: Modern Language Association, 1992. pp.65-69.
Stock, Larraine. K.
Arthuriana 7(2): 7-34. Summer 1997.
Fuog, Karen E. C.
Quondam et Futuris 1(1): 73-88. Spring 1991.
Hoberg, Tom
in: Slocum, Sally K., ed. Popular Arthurian Traditions. Bowling Green, OH: Popular Press, 1992. pp.68-79.
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Arthuriana 11(1): 67-82. 2001.
Cichon, Michael
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in: Alvarez-Faedo, María J., ed. Avalon Revisited: Reworkings of the Arthurian Myth. New York: Peter Lang, 2007 p. 15-20.
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in: Lacy, Norris J., ed. The Grail, The Quest and the World of Arthur. Woodbridge, UK: D. S. Brewer, 2008. p. 1-12.
Matthews, John
Arthuriana 9(1): 3-4 . Spring 1999.
Higgins, Sorina
Higgins, Sorina, ed. The Inklings and King Arthur: J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, C. S. Lewis, and Owen Barfield on the Matter of Britain. Berkeley CA: Apocryphile Press, 2017. p. 1-12.
Finke, Laurie A.; Shichtman, Martin B.
Arthuriana 8(2):3-10. Summer 1998.
in: Fulton, Helen, ed. A Companion to Arthurian Literature. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. p. 1-11.
Mancoff, Debra N.
Arthuriana 6(3): 1-2. October 1996.
Hoffman, Donald L.
Quondam et Futurus 2(3): 46-54. Fall 1992.
Jamson, Carol
Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching 23(1): 53-70. Spring 2016.
Miller, Miriam Y.
in: Watson, Jeanie and Fries, Marueen, eds. The Figure of Merlin in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1989. pp.121-142.
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In: Gymnich, Marion, Birk, Hanne, and Burkhard, Denise, eds. Harry - yer a Wizard! Exploring J. K. Rowling's Potter Universe. Baden-Baden: Tectum Verlag, 2017. p. 51-60.
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in: Campbell, Lori M., ed. A Quest of Her Own: Essays on the Female Hero in Modern Fantasy. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014. p. 35-54.
in: Thompson, Raymond H. Taliesin’s Successors: Interviews. (The Camelot Project: Arthurian Texts, Images, Bibliographies and Basic Information) (Online Resource: http://www.lib.rochester.edu/camelot/intrvws/contents.htm) [9 p.]
Indick, Ben P.
Niekas No. 38: 24-25. 1989.
in: Thompson, Raymond H. Taliesin's Successors: Interviews. 20 April 1989. (The Camelot Project: Arthurian Texts, Images, Bibliographies and Basic Information) (Online: https://d.lib.rochester.edu/camelot/text/interview-with-john-arden-and-margaretta-darcy ) [17 p.]
in: Thompson, Raymond H. Taliesin’s Successors: Interviews. (The Camelot Project: Arthurian Texts, Images, Bibliographies and Basic Information) (Online Resource: http://www.lib.rochester.edu/camelot/intrvws/contents.htm) [10 p.]
Radulsec, Raluca
Arthuriana 9(4): 69-80 . Winter 1999.
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Day, Mildred L.
in: Slocum, Sally K., ed. Popular Arthurian Traditions. Bowling Green, OH: Popular Press, 1992. pp.80-84.
Scavone, Daniel
Arthuriana 9(4): 3-32 . Winter 1999.
Hess, Scott
Arthuriana 9(1): 133-137. Spring 1999.
in: Thompson, Raymond H. Taliesin's Successors: Interviews. May 20, 1989. (The Camelot Project: Arthurian Texts, Images, Bibliographies and Basic Information) (Online Resource: https://d.lib.rochester.edu/camelot/text/interview-with-joy-chant) [15 p.]
Karr, Phyllis A.
Niekas No. 38:49. 1989.
Eckhardt, Caroline D.
in: Lacy, Norris J., ed. The Grail, The Quest and the World of Arthur. Woodbridge, UK: D. S. Brewer, 2008. p. 109-125.
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Austin, Susan L., ed. Arthurian Legend in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. Wilmington: Vernon Press, 2021. p. 73-88.
Gordon, Sarah
in: Austin, Susan L., ed. Arthurian Legend in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. Wilmington: Vernon Press, 2021. p. 1-24.
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In: Austin, Susan L., ed. Arthurian Legend in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. Wilmington: Vernon Press, 2021. p. 119-134.
Farrell, Eleanor M.
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in: Rosenthal, Bernard and Szarmach, Paul E., eds. Medievalism in American Culture. Binghamton, NY: Medieval & Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1989. pp.151-169.
Brown, Molly
in: Young, Helen, ed. The Middle Ages in Popular Culture: Medievalism and Genre. Amherst, NY: Cambria, 2015. p. 155-197.
Nelson, Marie
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 11(3): 266-281. 2000.
Simpson, Roger
Arthuriana 9(4): 94-115. . Winter 1999.
Reel, Edmee F.; Reel, Jerome V.
Arthuriana 12(2): 120-139. Summer 2002.
Harty, Kevin J.
Arthuriana 14(4): 17-25. 2004.
Lupack, Alan; Lupack, Barbara T.
Suffolk, UK: D. S. Brewer, 1999. 382pp.
in: Fulton, Helen, ed. A Companion to Arthurian Literature. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. p. 381-399.
White, Richard
New York: Routledge, 1998. 570pp.
Hoffman, Donald L.; Sklar, Elizabeth S.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2002. 272 p.
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Borgmann, Ulrike
in: Fendler, Susanne/Horstmann, Ulrike, eds. Images of Masculinity in Fantasy Fiction. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2003. p. 145-164.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1999. 270pp.
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New York: Garland, 1990. 2 v., 662pp.
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Kennedy, Edward D.
New York: Garland, 1996. 311pp.
Highma, Nick J.
London: Routledge, 2002. 320 p.
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New York: Routledge, 2000. 265pp.
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Niekas No. 38:10-11. 1989.
St. John, Edward
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Tracy, Larissa
Arthuriana 17(3): 31-55. Fall 2007.
Warren, Bill
Starlog 251: 68-71. June 1998.
Looper, Jennifer
Arthuriana 12(3): 63-86. Fall 2002.
Hamel, Marie
Fantasy Art and Studies No. 7: 79-86. Fall 2019.
Walters, Lori J.
New York: Garland, 1996. 310pp.
Taylor, Caroline
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Found 908 items on 10 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.