Liardet, Didier
Draguignan : Éd. Yris, 2014. 254 p.
Mains, Christine
in: Telotte, J. P., ed. The Essential Science Fiction Television Reader. Lexington : University Press of Kentucky, 2008. p. 143-158.
Slyter, Riana Sharice
Master's Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 2021. 105 p. (MAI 83(3)(E).)
Meteling, Arno
Paderborn: Fink, 2010. 285 p.
Vogt, Olivia
Ph. D. Dissertation, North Dakota State University, 2022. 159 p. (DAI-A 84(2)(E).)
Vint, Sherryl
in: Hauskeller, Michael, Philbeck, Thomas D., and Carbonell, Curtis D., eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Posthumanism in Film and Television. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. p. 120-129.
Fuchs, Cynthia J.
Genders No. 18: 113-133. Winter 1993. Also in: Gray, Chris H., ed. The Cyborg Handbook. New York: Routledge, 1995. pp.281-300.
Brotherstone, Stephen
In: Edgar, Roger and Johnson, Wayne, eds. Routledge Companion to Folk Horror, The. New York: Routledge, 2024. p. 245-254.
Spelling, Ian
Houston (TX) Chronicle Sec. C, p. 2. June 4, 1994.
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Hollywood Reporter. 359(42): 4. October 1, 1999. (Cited from Insite 2 database.)
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In: Braithwaite, Philip. Time Lords and Star Cops: British Science Fiction Television in the 1970s–1980s. Manchester UK: Manchester University Press, 2003. p. 147–174.
Bell, Genevieve; Dourish, Paul
Personal & Ubiquitous Computing 18(4): 769-778. April 2014.
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In: Wylutzki, Melanie and Kettlitz, Hardy, eds. Das Science Fiction Jahr 2024. Berlin: Hirnkost, 2024. p. 417-433.
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Variety p. 8. June 16, 1976.
PR Newswire November 12, 1995. p1121LAM046. (Available on Insite2)
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In: Edgar, Roger and Johnson, Wayne, eds. Routledge Companion to Folk Horror, The. New York: Routledge, 2024. p. 227-235.
Brunette, Tyler Briggs
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 2019. 250 p. (DAI-A 81(7)(E).).
Miller, Cynthia J.; Van Riper, A. Bowdoin
New York: Palgrave, 2012. 270 p.
Ashbrook, John
Vector No. 190: 5-6. November/December 1996.
Huddleston, Kathie
SciFi Weekly No. 491: [20 p.] September 18, 2006. ( )
Page, Alison
Vector 266: 15-19. Spring 2011.
Cobb, Molly
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TV Guide 52(31): 31-39. August 1, 2004.
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Starlog 3: 18-23. January 1977.
Rogers, Bruce H.
SFFWA Bulletin 33(3; [#144]): 13-15. Winter 1999.
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Starlog 42: 64-65. January 1981.
Mediascene No. 10: 10-11. May/June 1974.
Banks, Miranda J.
in: Davis, Glyn/Dickinson, Kay, eds. Teen TV: Genre, Consumption, Identity. London: BFI, 2004. p. 17-28.
Phillips, Mark
Starlog 171: 60-66. October 1991.
Starlog 170: 75-81. September 1991.
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AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1588: 246-251. March 5, 2014.
Duncan, Jody
Cinefex No. 105: 39-56, 118. April 2006.
Hill, Chris
Vector No. 232: 5-9. November/December 2003.
Tibbetts, John C.
in: Miller, Cynthia J. and Van Riper, A. Bowdoin, eds. 1950s "Rocketman" TV Series and Their Fans: Cadets, Rangers, and Junior Space Men. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. p. 33-52.
Fernandez Morales, Marta; Prieto Arranz, Jose I.
Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2010. 259 p.
Bellafante, Ginia
New York Times p. C4. April 14, 2011.
McLean, Thomas J.
Variety 387(8): 15-21. July 15-21, 2002.
Devlin, Karen; Rolinson, Dave
Science Fiction Film and Television 1(1): 45-65. Spring 2008.
Harris, Cheryl
in: Harris, Cheryl and Alexander, Alison, eds. Theorizing Fandom: Fans, Subculture and Identity. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton, 1998. pp. 41-54.
Keller, James
Supernatural Studies 1 (1): 65-79 (Summer 2013).
Leon, Steven J.
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Pratt, Fletcher
Master's Thesis, Mills College, 2017. 34 p. (MAI 56(3)(E).)
New Statesman and Society 4(158): 33. July 5, 1991.
Parpart, Lee
in: Early, Frances and Kennedy, Kathleen, eds. Athena's Daughters: Television's New Women Warriors. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2003. p. 78-91.
Chenille, Vincent
in: Chenille, Vincent, Dolle, Marie, and Mellier, Denis, eds. Richard Matheson: il est une legende: actes du colloque de l'universite de Picardie Jules Verne et de la bibliotheque nationale de France, 9-10 decembre 2008. Amiens: UPJV. Universite de Picardie Jules Verne, 2011. p. 91-102.
Cook, Malcolm; Sexton, Max
Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015. 177 p.
Mason, M. S.
Christian Science Monitor 93(180): 15. August 10, 2001.
Picton, Laura; Robbins, Mandy; Williams, Emyr
Journal of Beliefs & Values: Studies in Religion & Education 27(2): 227-229. August 2006.
Garcia, Frank; Phillips, Mark
in: Phillips, Mark and Garcia, Frank. Science Fiction and Television Series: Episode Guides, Histories, and Cast and Credits for 62 Prime Time Shows, 1959-1989. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1996. pp. 441-457.
Picarelli, Enrica
In: Lopez Pellisa, Teresa and Moreno Serrano, Fernando A., eds. Ensayos sobre ciencia ficción y literatura fantástica: 1er Congreso Internacional de Literatura Fantástica y Ciencia Ficción. Madrid: Universidad Carlos III, 2008. p. 553-565.
Wendtke, Terrence R.
in: Wandtke, Terrence R., ed. The Amazing Transforming Superhero!: Essays on the Revision of Characters in Comic Books, Film and Television. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2007. p. 231-235.
Mallory, Michael
Milano: Rizzoli, 2013. 256 p.
Hartwell, Rianne L.
Master's Thesis, West Chester University, 2011. 159 p.
in: Phillips, Mark and Garcia, Frank. Science Fiction and Television Series: Episode Guides, Histories, and Cast and Credits for 62 Prime Time Shows, 1959-1989. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1996. pp. 4-12.
Campos, Elisabeth
Marseille: CGR Editions, 1998. 255pp.
Shandler, Jeffrey
in: Flanzbaum, Hilene, ed. The Americanization of the Holocaust. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. pp. 33-44.
Laudadio, Nicholas C.
Science Fiction Film and Television 5(2): 159-177. Autumn 2012.
Erickson, Hal
Twilight Zone 6(3):82-84. August 1986.
Ameen, Lara Dena
Ph. D.Dissertation, Chapman University, 2023. 444 p. (DAI-A 85(2)(E).)
Friedrich, Petra; Lorenz, Christoph F.
in: Hoernlein, Frank and Heincke, Herbert, eds. Zukunft im Film: sozialwissenschaftliche Studien zu Star Trek und anderer Science Fiction. Magdeburg: Scriptum Verlag, 2000. p. 13-31.
Courtis, Sarah
Science Fiction Film and Television 17(3): 339-356. Autumn 2024.
Ecke, Jochen; Gill, Patrick
in; Denison, Rayna and Mizsei-Ward, Rachel, eds Superheroes on World Screens. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2015. p. 133-149.
Silverman, David S.
in: Brode, Douglas and Brode, Shea T., eds. Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek: The Original Cast Adventures. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015. p. 153-164.
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in: Phillips, Mark and Garcia, Frank. Science Fiction and Television Series: Episode Guides, Histories, and Cast and Credits for 62 Prime Time Shows, 1959-1989. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1996. pp. 13-21.
Roth, Lane
Extrapolation 24(1): 80-87. Spring 1983. Also in ERIC ED 312 700. 13pp. 1990. (Original date 1983)
Davison, Carol M.
in: Crow, Charles L., ed. A Companion to American Gothic. Hoboken: John Wiley 2014. p. 488-502.
Smith, B. R.
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 14(1): 77-85. Spring 2003.
Oxoby, Marc C.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Nevada, Reno, 2005. v, 227 p. (DAI 67(3), September 2006.
Johnson-Smith, Jan
London: I. B. Bauris, 2003. 256 p.; Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2004. 308 p. (Revision of the author's Doctoral dissertation, Between the Candle and the Star, Bournemouth University, 2001.
Geraghty, Lincoln
New York: Berg, 2009. 156 p.
Christie, Alexander; Hawkes, Joel; Nienheus, Tom
Cham: Palgrave Mcmillan, 2023. 279 p.
Coville, Gary A.; Lucanio, Patrick J.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1998. 252pp.
London: I. B. Tauris, 2005. 308 p. (Based on the author's Ph. D. dissertation entitled Between the Candle and the Star, Bournemouth University, 2001.) U S Imprint: Wesleyan University Press, 2005. 308 p.
Harrison, Stephen R.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Manchester (UK), 1985. 352 p. (DAI-C 81(6).)
Muir, John K.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2001. 312pp.
Gunn, James
TV Guide 19(7): 7-12. February 13, 1971.
Jancovich, Mark
Intenstiies No. 4: 10-25. November 2007. (
Variety p. 52. March 5, 1969.
Furnham, Adrian; Gunter, Barrie
Human Relations 38(6):535-549. 1985.
LaGrandeur, Michael
in: Hauskeller, Michael, Philbeck, Thomas D., and Carbonell, Curtis D., eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Posthumanism in Film and Television. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. p. 111-119.
Redmond, Dennis
in: Telotte, J. P., ed. The Essential Science Fiction Television Reader. Lexington : University Press of Kentucky, 2008. p. 127-139.
Allen, Nancy; Carringer, R. L.
Urbana: University Library, 1983. 129 p. (ERIC ED 233 704)
Hill, Rodney F.
in: Telotte, J. P., ed. The Essential Science Fiction Television Reader. Lexington : University Press of Kentucky, 2008. p. 111-126.
Joubin, Alexa A.
The American Mosaic: The Asian American Experience [9 p.] 
Sept. 2022.
Bignell, Jonathan
in: Hochscherf, Tobias; Leggott, James, eds. British Science Fiction Film and Television: Critical Essays. Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, 20111. p. 73-84.
Kasem, Diana
MOSF Journal of Science Fiction 4(2): 50-64. February 2021.
Olton, Bert
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2000. 341pp.
Franich, Darren
Entertainment Weekly Issue #1592/#1593: 80-81. August 2020.
Du Brow, Rick
Los Angeles Times p. F8, F10. July 4, 1990. in: NewsBank. FIlm and Television 93:E10-E11. 1990.
Perry, Joseph W.
Filmfax No. 42: 50-53. December 1993/January 1994.
Jenkins, Henry
in: Tulloch, John and Jenkins, Henry, eds. Science Fiction Audiences: Watching Doctor Who and Star Trek. New York: Routledge, 1995. pp.196-212.
Arango, Tim
New York Times p. C1. May 19, 2008.
Early, Frances; Kennedy, Kathleen
Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2003. 175 p.
TV Guide 19(6):7-12. February 13, 1971.
in: Phillips, Mark and Garcia, Frank. Science Fiction and Television Series: Episode Guides, Histories, and Cast and Credits for 62 Prime Time Shows, 1959-1989. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1996. pp. 22-27.
O'Mathuna, Donal P.
in: Hauskeller, Michael, Philbeck, Thomas D., and Carbonell, Curtis D., eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Posthumanism in Film and Television. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. p. 141-149.
Murray, James
Cinefantastique 30(3): 42-43, 45-50, 55-57. July 1998.
Maye, Harun
In: Meteling, Arno, ed. "Previously on ...": Zur Ästhetik der Zeitlichkeit neuerer TV-Serien. Paderborn: Fink, 2010. p. 135-156.
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