Liardet, Didier
Draguignan : Éd. Yris, 2014. 254 p.
Mains, Christine
in: Telotte, J. P., ed. The Essential Science Fiction Television Reader. Lexington : University Press of Kentucky, 2008. p. 143-158.
Slyter, Riana Sharice
Master's Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 2021. 105 p. (MAI 83(3)(E).)
Meteling, Arno
Paderborn: Fink, 2010. 285 p.
Vogt, Olivia
Ph. D. Dissertation, North Dakota State University, 2022. 159 p. (DAI-A 84(2)(E).)
Vint, Sherryl
in: Hauskeller, Michael, Philbeck, Thomas D., and Carbonell, Curtis D., eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Posthumanism in Film and Television. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. p. 120-129.
Fuchs, Cynthia J.
Genders No. 18: 113-133. Winter 1993. Also in: Gray, Chris H., ed. The Cyborg Handbook. New York: Routledge, 1995. pp.281-300.
Brotherstone, Stephen
In: Edgar, Roger and Johnson, Wayne, eds. Routledge Companion to Folk Horror, The. New York: Routledge, 2024. p. 245-254.
Spelling, Ian
Houston (TX) Chronicle Sec. C, p. 2. June 4, 1994.
Bernstein, Paula
Hollywood Reporter. 359(42): 4. October 1, 1999. (Cited from Insite 2 database.)
Braithwaite, Philip
In: Braithwaite, Philip. Time Lords and Star Cops: British Science Fiction Television in the 1970s–1980s. Manchester UK: Manchester University Press, 2003. p. 147–174.
Bell, Genevieve; Dourish, Paul
Personal & Ubiquitous Computing 18(4): 769-778. April 2014.
Gollner, Lutz
In: Wylutzki, Melanie and Kettlitz, Hardy, eds. Das Science Fiction Jahr 2024. Berlin: Hirnkost, 2024. p. 417-433.
No authors listed.
Variety p. 8. June 16, 1976.
PR Newswire November 12, 1995. p1121LAM046. (Available on Insite2)
Towlson, Jon
In: Edgar, Roger and Johnson, Wayne, eds. Routledge Companion to Folk Horror, The. New York: Routledge, 2024. p. 227-235.
Brunette, Tyler Briggs
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 2019. 250 p. (DAI-A 81(7)(E).).
Miller, Cynthia J.; Van Riper, A. Bowdoin
New York: Palgrave, 2012. 270 p.
Ashbrook, John
Vector No. 190: 5-6. November/December 1996.
Huddleston, Kathie
SciFi Weekly No. 491: [20 p.] September 18, 2006. ( )
Page, Alison
Vector 266: 15-19. Spring 2011.
Cobb, Molly
Vector No. 275: 16-18. Spring 2014.
Hantke, Steffen
Zeitschrift fur Fantastikforschung 1(1): 71-90. 2011. (No. 1)
TV Guide 52(31): 31-39. August 1, 2004.
Rogers, Tom
Starlog 3: 18-23. January 1977.
Found 1,463 items on 59 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.