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In: Bloom, Clive, ed. The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Gothic. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. p. 837-851.
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in: Bacon, Simon, ed. The Evolution of Horror in the Twenty-First Century. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2023. p. 27-42.
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in: Jess-Cooke, Carolyn and Verevis, Constantine, eds. Second Takes: Critical Approaches to the Film Sequel. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2010. p. 121-138.
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Cooper, L. Andrew
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Campbell, Caitlin; Campbell, Richard
Television Quarterly 31(4): 56-64. Winter 2001. Also in Slayage No. 2, March 2001. [5 p.] (Online Resource:
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In: Jaspers, Kristina, Warnecke, Nils, Waz, Gerlinde and Zill, Rudiger, eds. Future Worlds Science Fiction Film. Berlin: Bertz + Fischer, 2017. p. 71-81.
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in: Fahy, Thomas. The Writing Dead: Talking Terror with TV’s Top Horror Writers. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2015. p. 26-33.
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In: Wylutzki, Melanie and Kettlitz, Hardy, eds. Das Science Fiction Jahr 2023. Berlin: Hernkost, 2023. p. 435-457.
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