Browse Records by Title

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Barrett, Mike

New York Review of Science Fiction 29(3): 14-17. November 2016. (No. 339)

Hudson, Kathleen

In: Hudson, Kathleen and Going, Mary, eds. Religious Horror and the Ecogothic. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2024. p. 179-198.

Horn, Benjamin; Martin, Jayde; Seville, Alice

In: Alberro, Emah A., Castle, Nora, Firth, Rhiannon and Scott, Conrad, eds. Utopian and Dystopian Explorations of Pandemics and Ecological Breakdown: Entangled Futurities. New York: Routledge, 2024. p. 146-160.

Dobson, Eleanor; Fursland, Rosalind

in: Jones, Matthew and Omrod, Joan, eds. Time Travel in Popular Media: Essays on Film, Television, Literature and Video Games. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015. p. 246-258.

Borah, Rebecca S.

In: Whited, Lana A., ed. Ivory Tower, The, Harry Potter and Beyond: More Essays on the Works of J. K. Rowling. Columbia: University Press of Mississippi, 2023. p. 363-380.

Rogers, Mac

New York Review of Science Fiction 25(5): 15. January 2013. (No. 293)

Arp, Robert

In: Davis, Richard Brian, ed. Alice in Wonderland and Philosophy: Curiouser and Curiouser. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2010. p. 125-136.

Ostalska, Katarzyna

In: Castle, Nora and Champion, Giulia, eds. Animals and Science Fiction. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024. p. 183-201.

LaFarge, Antoinette

MOSF Journal of Science Fiction 2(1): 26-42. 2017.

Ramos, Beatriz Hermida

in: Belmonte Avila, Juan F. and Encarnacion-Pinedo, Estibaliz, eds. Unbound Queer Time in Literature, Cinema, and Video Games, Ed. By Juan Francisco Belmonte Ávila, Estíbaliz Encarnación-Pinedo. London: Routledge, 2024. p. 226-240.

Williams, Amy A.

Slayage No. 38/39: [13 p.]. Summer 2014. (

Wicks, Amanda

Critique 55(3): 329-340. 2014.

Larsen, Kristine

in: Houghton, John W., et al, eds. Tolkien in the New Century: Essays in Honor of Tom Shippey. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014. p. 221-234.

Browning, John E.

in: Miller, Cynthia J. and van Riper, Bowdoin, eds. Undead in the West II: They Just Keep Coming, ed. by Cynthia J. Miller and Bowdoin van Riper. Lanham, PA: Scarecrow, 2013. p. 214-230.

Wanner, Kevin

In: Lewis, A. David and Lund, Martin, eds. Muslim Superheroes Comics, Islam, and Representation. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2023. p. 40-62.

Johnson, Russell P.

In: Decker, Kevin S. and Eberl, Jason T., eds. Star Wars and Philosophy Strikes Back: This is the Way. Hoboken NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2023. p. 3-10.

Going, Mary

In: Hudson, Kathleen and Going, Mary, eds. Religious Horror and the Ecogothic. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2024. p. 161-178.

Millsap-Spears, Carey

In: Garten, Jennifer C. and Graham, Anissa M., eds. Space, the Feminist Frontier: Essays on Sex and Gender in Star Trek. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2024. p. 27-37.

Wilkinson, Zara T.

In: Ginn, Sherry and Leitch, Gillian I., eds. Being a Girl with The Doctor: Essays on the Feminine in Doctor Who. Jefferson NC: McFarland, Fall 2023. p. 148-166.

Winstead, Nick

Journal of Popular Culture 48(3): 572–585. June 2015,

Renaud, Mia

Master's Thesis, McGill University, 2021. 104 p. (MAI 83(9).)

Cataflu, Cameron

in: Bolling, Ben and Smith, Matthew J., eds. It Happens at Comic-con : Ethnographic Essays on a Pop Culture Phenomenon. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014. p. 102-114.

Krombholc, Viktorija; Luburic-Cvijanovic, Arijana

Contemporary Women's Writing 17(2): 194-213. July 2023,.

O'Hehir, Andrew

Salon Magazine. May 1, 2012. [2 p.] Online resource:

Snelson, Tim

in: Nowell, Richard, ed. Merchants of Menace: The Business of Horror Cinema. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014. p. 93-108.

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