Browse Records by Title

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Van Name, Marl L.

in: Collins, Robert A., ed. Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Review Annual 1988. Westport, CT: Meckler, 1988. pp.1-10.

Reed, Allen

Bryan Eagle p. A1, A6. February 10, 2013.

No authors listed.

Los Angeles Times p. H3. November 30, 1952.

Helfer, Jean-Pierre

Financial Times (London) p. 5. March 17, 2008.

Bell, Lydia

New Orleans (LA) Times-Picayune Sec. OTL, p. 1. May 20, 1993.

Richman, Josh

Oakland Tribune Living Section, p. 6. February 24, 2005.

Guran, Paula

Cinefantastique 38(3): 66-67. May/June 2006.

Nevans, M. F.

Bloomsbury Review 2(1):17,19. November/December 1981.

Di Leo, Jeffrey R.

American Book Review 38(3): 1-19. March/April 2017.

Chapp, Michael

Lansing (MI) State Journal June 24, 1990. in: NewsBank. Literature 71:F3. 1990.

Anderson, Poul

Niekas No. 19: 28-30. 1968.

Dumars, Denise

Cinefantastique 27(3): 55-56. December 1995.

Lupoff, Richard A.

Vancleave, MS: Ramble House, 2013. 264 p.

Lupoff, Richard A.

Vancleave, MS: Ramble House, 2013. 318 p.

Lupoff, Richard A.

Vancleave, MS: Ramble House, 2013. 284 p.

Lupoff, Richard A.

Vancleave, MS: Ramble House, 2020. 246 p.

No authors listed.

Commerce, CA: L. Ron Hubbard Library, 1997. 118 p.

No authors listed.

Commerce, Calif. : Bridge Publications, 2012. 191 p.

Slonczewski, Joan

Empire: For the SF Writer 5(1): 10-11. Winter 1979.

Carper, Steven

SFWA Bulletin 34(1): 8-9. Spring 2000. (No. 146)

Carper, Steve

SFFWA Bulletin 33(2): 5-7. Fall 1999. (No. 143)

Carper, Steve

SFFWA Bulletin 33(3): 27-29. Winter 1999. (No. 144)

Casper, Steve

SFFWA Bulletin 34(2): 7-8. Fall 2000. (No. 147)

Carper, Steve

SFWA Bulletin 45(2): 36-38. Spring 2011.

Carper, Steve

SFWA Bulletin 46 (3): 54-57. Summer 2012. (No. 198)

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