Browse Records by Title

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Tembo, Kwasu David

Messengers from the Stars: On Science Fiction and Fantasy No. 3: 65-89. 2017.

Lubar, David

Voice of Youth Advocates 25(1): 10. April 2002.

Jones, Alan

Cinefantastique 29(6/7): 12-13. November 1997.

Burkart, Gina

Downer's Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 2005. 112 p.

Munoz, Joaquin

In: Child and Youth Agency in Science Fiction: Travel Technology Time, Ed. by Ingrid E. Castro and Jessica Clark. New York: Lexington Books, 2019. p. 209-226.

Hendricks, Jacquelyn

Children's Literature Association Quarterly 49(2): 127-149. Summer 2024.

Moss, Sophie

Master's Thesis, State University of New York at Albany, 2014. 64 p.

Clinton, James H.

Reconstruction 13(3/4), 2013. (

Drewniok, Malgorzata

in: Ginn, Sherry, ed. Marvel's Black Widow: From Spy to Superhero: Essays on an Avenger with a Very Specific Skill Set. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2017. p. 11-21.

Faulkner, Peter

Journal of William Morris Studies 18(1): 35-64. Winter 2008.

Williamson, Mary T.

in: Williamson, J. N., ed. How to Write Tales of Horror, Fantasy, and Science Fiction. Cincinnati, OH: Writer's Digest, 1987. pp.140-146.

James, Edward

Anarchist Studies 7(2): 155-170. October 1999.

Stephanou, Aspasia

Gothic Studies 15(2): 53-65. November 2013.

Smiley, Robin H.

Firsts: The Book Collector's Magazine 10(7/8): 42-47. July/August 2000.

Bardini, Thierry

in: Ferro, David L. and Swedin, Eric G., eds. Science Fiction and Computing: Essays on Interlinked Domains. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011. p. 167-188.

Mentak, Said

New York: Nova, 2010. 225 p.

Humphries, Reynold

in: Hantke, Steffen, ed. American Horror Film: The Genre at the Turn of the Millennium. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2010. p. 58-74.

Hunt, Leon

Velvet Light Trap 30: 65-75. 1992. (Also in: Gelder, Ken. The Horror Reader. London: Routledge, 2000. p. 324-335.)

Sackett, Samuel

Fantasy Commentator 3(4): 114-115.. Winter 1949/1950. (No. 24)

Estevez Fuertes, Nicolas.; Llacer, Eusebio V.; Olivares Pardo, Amparo

New York : Peter Lang, 2011. 257p.

Carreira, Shirley de Souza Gomes

e-scrita: Revista do Curso de Letras da UNIABEU 9(3): 59-69. 2018.

Bischoping, Katherine; Olstead, Riley

Irish Gothic Journal No. 12: 4-19. Summer 2013.

Bode, Robert F.; Slotkin, Alan R.

American Speech 68(3): 323-327. Fall 1993.

No authors listed.

Mediascene No. 10: 10-11. May/June 1974.

David, Peter

Starlog 205: 36-39, 70. August 1994.

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