No authors listed.
in: Westfahl, Gary, Slusser, George, and Plummer, Kathleen C., eds. Unearthly Visions: Approaches to Science Fiction and Fantasy Art. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2002. pp. 153-156.
Harty, Kevin J.
in: Harty, Kevin J., ed. Cinema Arthuriana: Essays on Arthurian Film. New York: Garland, 1991. pp.203-243.
Hanson, Todd
in: Kenny, Glenn, ed. A Galaxy Not So Far Away: Writers and Artists on Twenty-Five Years of Star Wars. New York: Holt, 2002. p. 172-202.
Sorrentino, Paul
American Literary Realism 1870-1910 32(1): 82-84. Fall 1999.
Frank, Jane
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009. 525 p.
Van Riper, A. Bowdoin
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2011. 323 p.
Perry, Alvin E.
Fantasy Magazine 6(1): 5-8. January 1936. (No. 35)
Palmer, Raymond G.
Fantasy Magazine 6(2): 42-44. March 1936. (No. 36)
Fantasy Magazine 5(4): 236-238. September 1935. (No. 34) (Reprinted in: Sword and Sorcery No. 3: 32-35. July 2005.)
Fantasy Magazine 5(2): 177-178. July 1935. (No. 32)
Katz, Jason
Saarbruecken: Vdm Verlag Dr. Mueller, 2008. 116 p.
Robu, Cornel
SFRA Review No. 204: 35-40. March/April 1993.
Lavin, Audrey
University of Mississippi Studies in English ns. 9: 199-204. 1991.
Frenkel, James
New York Review of Science Fiction 23(2): 20-21. October 2010. (No. 266)
Florence, Bill
Starlog 280: 64-66. November 2000.
Delany, Samuel R.; Erikson, Steve
in: Delany, Samuel R. About Writing: Seven Essays, Four Letters, and Five Interviews. Middletown, CT.: Wesleyan University Press, 2005. p. 311-335.
Houston, David
Starlog 31: 17-21. February 1980.
Rolfe, Christopher
The Wellsian No. 4: 24-35. Summer 1981.
Newhouse, Tom
in: Hoppenstand, Gary, ed. The Gothic World of Stephen King. Bowling Green, OH: Popular Press, 1987. pp.49-55.
Nicholls, Stan
Interzone No. 78: 23-26. December 1993.
Rayment, Andrew
eSharp [online]. Special Issue: Communicating Change: Representing Self and Community in a Technological World. 2010. pp. 122-135 Accessed 12.November.2014.
Mundik, Petra
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2016. 426 p
Patterson, Nancy-Lou
Mythlore 19(3): 6-15. Summer 1993. (No. 73)
Jorgensen, Dolly
Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment 3 (2): 11-26. 2012.
Coelsch-Foisner, Sabine
Reconstruction 3(4): [26 p.]. Fall 2003. (Online resource:
Found 11,282 items on 452 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.