Browse Records by Title

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Harty, Kevin J.

in: Harty, Kevin J., ed. King Arthur on Film: New Essays on Arthurian Cinema. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1999. pp.233-263.

Pykett, Derek; Rhoades, Shirrel

New York: Peter Lang, 2008. 353 p.

Glover, Jayne A.

Ph. D. Dissertation, Rhodes University (South Africa), 2008. 288 p.

Cardona, Josue

in: Langley, Travis, ed. Games of Thrones Psychology: the Mind is Dark and Full of Terrors. New York: Sterling, 2016. p. 251-264.

Wong, Bill

Electronic Design 51(28): 27-28. December 18, 2003.

Holben, Jay

American Cinematographer 88(5): 28-43. May 2007.

Rossi, Cido; Stainle, Stefano

In: Casagrande, Cristina, Genu Klautau, Diego, and Zilda da Cunha, Maria, eds. A Subcriação de Mundos: Estudos sobre a literature de J.R.R. Tolkien. Sao Paulo: FFLCH/USP, Universidade de São Paulo, 2019. p. 290-302.

Van Belle, Douglas A.

New York Review of Science Fiction 21(8): 17-19. April 2008. (No. 248)

Smith, Silver

Dallas, TX: Argent Leaf Press, 2012. 276 p.

Enfantino, Peter

Paperback Parade No. 79: 20-33. October 2011.

Bologna, Federica

Journal of Cultural Analytics 4(11): 37-60. November, 2020.

Wright, Peter

Science Fiction Film and Television 6(2): 253-279. Summer 2013.

Arnold, Bridgitte

Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Texas, Austin, 2009. 294 p. (DAI-A 70(8), Febraury 2010)

Curtis, Jan

Arthuriana 6(1): 96-111. Spring 1996.

Holbrook, Stewart

Fantasy Commentator 1(4): 51-53. December 1944. (No. 4)

Cummings, Sherwood

in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 1. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 428-432.

Alessio, Dominic

Journal of New Zealand Literature No. 22: 73-94. 2004.

Watt-Evans, Lawrence

in:.. Yeffeth, Glenn, ed. The Anthology at the End of the Universe: Leading Science Fiction Authors on Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Dallas, TX: Benbella Books, 2005. p. 65-72.

Celestino, Ricardo

Abusoes 6(1 [11]); 121-157. 2020.

Farias, Cassia

Abusões 6(2 [12]): 195-227. 2020.

De Los Santos, Eduarda Kali

Revista Fantástika 451 No. 2: 73-84. Summer 2019.

Fernandes, Fábio

São Paulo Editora Anhembi Morumbi, 2006. 107 p.

Castilho, Kathia; Fábio Fernandes

São Paulo: Editora Anhembi Morumbi, 2006. 107 p.

McKee, Gabriel

In: Caterine, Darryl and John W. Morehead, and John W., eds. The Paranormal and Popular Culture: A Postmodern Religious Landscape. New York: Routledge, 2019. p. 275-288.

Bailey, Nancy M.; Boyd, Fenice B.

In: Mancini, Candice L., ed. Censorship in Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. Detroit, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2011. p. 116-126.

Donaldson, Eileen

English Academy Review 31(2): 94-107. 2014.

Gerson, Carole

Essays on Canadian Writing No. 56: 224-235. Fall 1995.

Wingfield, William

Unitarian Universalist World 2(10): 7. June 1, 1971.

O'Day, Andrew

in: Barr, Jason and Mustachio, Camille, eds. The Language of Doctor Who: from Shakespeare to Alien Tongues. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014. p. 21-34.

Westfahl, Gary

Foundation No. 54: 52-70. Spring 1992.

Bender, Aimee; Rosenbaum, Benjamin

Strange Horizons [8 p.] March 3, 2003. (

Wessells, Henry

New York: Grolier Club, 2018. 287 p.

Kilby, Clyde S.

In: Kilby, Clyde S., ed. by Call, Keity and Wilkinson, Loren. Well of Wonder: Essays on C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien & the Inklings. Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press, 2016. p. 307-314.

Cjemeu, Matthew

Starnge Horizons [4 p.] May 8, 2006. (

Blaack, Eve

Cemetery Dance No. 43: 88-93. 2003.

Lohr, Michael

Cemetery Dance No. 63: 11-14. 2010.

Simmons, William P.

Cemetery Dance No. 37: 58-63. 2001.

Coker, John L., III

Tangent No. 16: 44-47. Fall 1996.

Silva, David B

Cemetery Dance No. 34: 23-27. 2001.

Schweitzer, Darrell

Cemetery Dance No. 41: 4-10. 2002.

Simmons, William P.

Cemetery Dance No. 44: 50-55. 2003.

Piccirilli, Tom

Cemetery Dance No. 53: 22-25. 2005.

Simmons, William P.

Cemetery Dance No. 55: 76-79. 2006.

Aloi, Peg; Marano, Michael

Cemetery Dance No. 41: 61-63. 2002.

Blue, Tyson

Cemetery Dance 4(1): 50-56. Winter 1992. (No. 11)

McDonald, T. Liam

Cemetery Dance 5(1): 36-45. Winter 1993. (No. 15)

Frumkes, Lewis B.

Writer 109(9): 15-16. September 1996.

Fehervari, Ivy

Cemetery Dance 8(4): 81-83. 1998. (No. 29)

Fehervari, Ivy

Cemetery Dance No. 48: 54-55. 2004.

Kleffel, Rick

Cemetery Dance No. 47: 4-11. 2003.

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