Browse Records by Title

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Postman, Neil

Et Cetera 42(1):13-18. Spring 1985.

Frankel, Valerie E.

In: Frankel, Valerie E., ed. Harry Potter, Still Recruiting: An Inner Look at Harry Potter Fandom. Hamden, CT: Zossima Press. 2012. p. 139-143.

No authors listed.

Science Fiction Chronicle 14(3): 5. December 1992.

Rand, Ken

in: Rand, Ken. Human Visions: The Talebones Interviews. Auburn, WA: Fairwood, 2006. p. 199-206.

Amy-Chinn, Dee

in: O'Day, Andrew, ed. Doctor Who, The Eleventh Hour: A Critical Celebration of the Matt Smith and Steven Moffat Era. London: I. B. Tauris, 2014. p. 70-86.

McCormack, Una

in: Myles, L. M. and Barr, Liz, eds. Companion Piece: Women Celebrate the Humans, Aliens and Tin Dogs of Doctor Who. Des Moines, IA: Mad Norwegian Press, 2015. p. 209-214.

Hammerton, Max

Foundation 49:48-55. Summer 1990.

Thompson, Robert G.

Science Fiction Fan 4(2): 5-10, 16. September 1939.

Butler, Andrew M.

Vector No. 200: 4-5. July/August 1998.

Oliver, Sarah

London: John Blake, 2012. 249 p.

Rich, Charlotte J.

in: Tuttle, Jennifer S. and Kessler, Carol F., eds. Charlotte Perkins Gilman: New Texts, New Contexts. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 2011. p. 85-102.

Duncan, Jody

Cinefex No. 144: 64-90. December 215.

Gough, Noel

in: Willis, George and Schubert, W. H., eds. Reflections form the Heart of Educational Inquiry: Understanding Curriculum and Teaching Through the Arts. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1991. p. 312-320.

Ellison, Harlan

Pulphouse No. 6: 4-8. October 25, 1991.

Agan, Cami D.

Journal of the Fantastic of the Arts 30(1): 2019. 85-102.

Dillon, Peter C.

Richmond, CA: Dillon, 1973. 28 p. with 2 p. errata sheet laid in.

Sparks, Glenn G.

in: Weaver, James B., III and Tamborini, Ron, eds. Horror Films: Current Research on Audience Preferences and Reasctions. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 1996. pp.125-146.

Pirani, Adam

Starlog 176: 25-29, 68. March 1992.

Atheling, William, Jr.

Australian Science Fiction Review 11:22-25. August 1967.

Blish, James

Australian Science Fiction Review No. 11: 22-25. August 1967.

Scott, A. O.

New York Times p. E1. June 3, 2004.

Roberts, Thomas J.

Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1990. 284pp.

Smith, Angela M.

In: de Bruin-Mole, Megen, Polak, Sara, and Becker, Sandra, eds. Embodying contagion: The viropolitics of horror and desire in contemporary discourse. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. p. 86-108.

Bucher, Michael; Dickel, Simon

African American Review 48(3): 289-304. Fall 2015.

Yaszek, Lisa

Rethinking History 9(2/3): 297-313. June 2005.

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