Browse Records by Title

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Silverblatt, Michael

in: Clarke, Jaime, ed. Conversations with Jonathan Lethem. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2011. p. 175-182. (Reprinted from Bookworm, KCRW-FM, January 28, 2010.)

Ottinger, John, III

Strange Horizons [7 p.] August 23, 2010. (

Greene, Nancy

Cemetery Dance No. 66: 71-73. 2012.

Watson, Ian

Vector No. 261: 26-29.. Autumn 2009.

Schweitzer, Darrell

Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine No. 44: 36-41. Summer 1999.

Harrison, Niall

Strange Horizons January 26, 2015. Accessed 3.February.2015

Simanoff, Mike

Fantastic Metropolis (On-line Resource) [5 p.] April 3, 2003. (

Blaschke, Jayme L.

Postscripts No. 2: 82-92. Summer 2004.

Heideman, Eric M.

Tales of the Unanticipated No. 15: 26-32. Fall/Wiinter 1995/1996.

Ford, Carl T.

Sword and Sorcery No. 4: 27-35. October 2005. (Reprinted from Dagon, No. 25, 1989.)

Schweitzer, Darrell

New York Review of Science Fiction 25(11): 1, 4-7. July 2013. (No. 299)

Mason, Gregory

Contemporary Literature 30(3): 340-345. Autumn 1989.

No authors listed.

Diverse Universe No. 17: [5 p.] September 2003. (Online resource:

Filgate, Michele

Bookslut No. 107: [6 p.] April 2011. ( (Accessed 5 Apri 2011.)

McCarty, John

in: McCarthy, Kevin; Gorman, Edward, eds. They're Here--: Invasion of the Body Snatchers: A Tribute. New York: Berkley, 1999. p. 187-273.

No authors listed. [5pp.] June 28, 2000.

Szeman, Imre; Whiteman, Maria

Science Fiction Studies 31(2): 177-188. July 2004.

Knight, Dan

Strange Plasma No. 5: 30-31. 1992.

Allen, William R.; Smith, Paul

in: Allen, Rodney, ed. Conversations with Kurt Vonnegut. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1988. pp.265-300. (Reprinted from New York October 17, 1987.)

Lukin, Josh

Fantastic Metropolis [13 p.] July 25, 2004) (Online Resource:

No authors listed.

Crypt of Cthulhu 5(2): 36-39. 1985. (No. 36)

Schweitzer, Darrell

New York Review of Science Fiction 20(11): 21-23. July 2008. (No. 239)

Shwartz, Susan

Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine No. 16: 14-18. Spring/Summer 1992.

Martini, Adrienne

Online Resource: [7 p.] May 2005.

Hayden, David H.

Redstone Science Fiction No. 1: [7 p.] June 2010. (

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