Zjawin, Dorothy
Instructor 87(9):54-57,102-107. April 1978.
Alessio, Dominic
Ariel 33(1): 15-36. January 2002.
Shapiro, Marc
Starlog 265: 20-23. August 1999.
Stewart, Garrett
Sight and Sound 47(3):167-174. Summer 1978.
Seymore, Sarah
Berlin : Lit, 2013. 290 p. (Based on the author's Ph. D. Dissertation, Universitat Paderborn, 2012.)
McCarty, Michael
in: McCarty, Michael. More Giants of the Genre. Holicong, PA: Wildside Press, 2005. p. 44-52.
Doyle, Richard
in: Battaglia, Debbora, Ed. E.T. Culture: Anthropology in Outerspaces. Durham, N.C.; Duke University Press, 2005. p. 200-217.
Koepke, C. A., III
Clarement Reading Conference Yearbook pp. 121-128. 1979.
Hill, Derek
in: Westfahl, Gary, ed. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. p. 971-973.
Kelley, Bill
Cinefantastique 7(2):30-31. Summer 1978.
No authors listed.
Locus 10(10):7,9. December 1977.
Scapperotti, Dan; Villard, Robert
Cinefantastique 6:32-39. Spring 1978.
Boss, Judith E.; Dubeck, Leroy W.; Moshier, Suzanne E.
in: Dubeck, Leroy W. et al. Science in Cinema. New York: Teacher's College Press, 1988. pp.155-156.
Naha, Ed
Starlog 12: 40-49, 62. March 1978.
Meyers, Richard
Starlog 11: 46-49. January 1978.
Towlson, Jon
Buzzard, UK: Auteur; 2016. 141 p.
Sammon, Paul M.
Cinefantastique 10(3):35-36. Winter 1980.
Shay, Don
Cinefantastique 7(3/4):4-20. Fall 1978.
Houston, David
Starlog 14: 52-56. June 1978.
Kilday, Gregg
Home Video 2(9): 27-30. September 1981.
Geduld, H. M.
Humanist 38(5):51. September/October 1978.
Van Hise, James
Questar 1:27-30. 1978.
Logan, Michael
TV Guide 43(28): 6-10. July 16, 1995.
Cinefantastique 7:4-19. Fall 1978.
Boyum, J. G.
Science Digest 83(2):16-18. February 1978.
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