Browse Records by Title

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Hughey, Lynn

Mosaic 36(4): 121-137. December 2003.

Raulerson, Joshua T.

In: Leaning, Marcus and Pretzsch, Birgit, Eds. Visions of the Human in Science Fiction and Cyberpunk. Oxford, UK: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2010. p. 115-126.

Edwards, Adam

In: Kobus, Aldona; and Muniowski, Lukasz. Sex, Death and Resurrection in Altered Carbon: Essays on the Netflix Series. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2020. p. 129-143.

Edwards, Adam

In: Kobus, Aldona and Muniowski, Lukasz, eds. Sex, Death and Resurrection in Altered Carbon: Essays on the Netflix Series. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2020. p. 129-143.

Gozen, Jire E.

Bielefeld: Transcript, 2012. 350 p.

Murphy, Graham J.

In: Murphy, Graham J. and Schmeink, Lars, eds. Cyberpunk and Visual Culture. New York: Routledge, 2018. p. 35-54.

Munoz Zapata, Juan Ignacio

Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Montreal, 2009. 311 p. (DAI-A 71(2).)

O'Toole, Sharon

Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Davis, 2004. 217 p. (DAI-A 65(9): 3389. March 2005.)

Lavigne, Carlen

Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013. 213 p.

Landon, Brooks

Cinefantastique 18(1):31. December 1987.

Murphy, Graham J.

Science Fiction Film and Television 13(1): 97-106. Spring 2020.

Rumpala, Yannick

Saint Mammès: Le Bélial, 2021. 256 p.

Elmer-Dewitt, Philip

in: Vitanza, Victor J., ed. Cyberreader. 2nd. Edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1999. p. 356-363. (Reprinted from Time, February 8, 1993.)

Giuseppe, Samo; Ursini, Francesco-Alessio

Linguistics Vanguard 9(3): 317-327. 2023.

Elias, Amy J.

In: Episcopo, Giuseppe, ed. Metahistorical Narratives & Scientific Metafictions: A Critical Insight into the Twentieth-Century Poetics. Napoli: Edizioni Cronopio, 2015. p. 201-220.

Dyens, Ollivier

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: a WWWeb Journal 2(1): [9pp.] March 2000.

No authors listed.

Contemporary Literature 53(2): 319-347. Summer 2012.

Chaptal, Stephanie; Nawrocki, Sylvain; Zeid, Jean

Paris: Ynnis, 2020. 208 p.

Kadrey, Richard; McCaffery, Larry

Interzone No. 54: 44-47. December 1991.

Khan, Anwar Husain

Multidisciplinary Studies 4(9): 55-60. 2015. (

Salbin, Eric

Utne Reader No. 34: 28-29. 1989.

Landon, Brooks

Cinefantastique 18(1): 26-31. December 1987.

Landon, Brooks

Cinefantastique 18(1):26-31. December 1987.

Kelly, K.

Whole Earth Review No. 63: 78-82. Summer 1989.

Nixon, Nicola

Science-Fiction Studies 19(2): 219-235. July 1992. Also in: in: Wolmark, Jenny, ed. Cybersexualities : A Reader on Feminist Theory, Cyborgs and Cyberspace. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1999. p. 191-207. Reprinted in: Sawyer, Andy, ed. Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2020. Vol. 3, p. 245-261.

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