Browse Records by Title

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Grech, Victor

New York Review of Science Fiction 29(5): 23-28. January 2017. (No. 341)

Grech, Victor

Vector No. 274: 6-9. Winter 2013/2014.

Grech, Victor

New York Review of Science Fiction 29(11): 22-26. June 2018. (No. 347)

Grech, Victor

New York Review of Science Fiction 28(12; [#336]): 24-29. August 2016.

Hallam, Lindsay

In: Och, Dana and Strayer, Kirsten, eds. Transnational Horror Across Visual Media: Fragmented Bodies. New York: Routledge, 2014. p. 159-175.

Weinberg, Robert

in: Tymn, M. B. and Ashley, Mike. Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction Magazines. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1985. pp. 186-187.

Lyons, Mike

Cinefantastique 30(3): 14-50. July 1998.

Mark, Hibbett

In: Brode, Douglas, ed. Analyzing the Marvel Universe: Critical Essays on the Comics and Film Adaptations. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2024. p. 59-68.

Feeney, Nolan

In: Booth, Paul, Hill, Matt, Piedmont, Joy and Roberts Tansy R., eds, Adventures Across Space and Time: A Doctor Who Reader. Lanham: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. p. 217-222.

No authors listed.

The Redbird (Beaumont, Tex.) 7(12): 4. December 13, 1957. (Note: the article mentioned in The Redbird, "Poe and Lovecraft: Contrasting Techniques in the Horror Story." as being in The Review of Science Fiction, has not been located.)

Harris, Jeff

Australian Science Fiction Review 6(1; [#26]): 22-27. Summer 1991.

Eckley, Grace

in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 2. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 569-573.

Lehti, Steven J.

Cinefantastique 24(6)/25(1): 123. February 1994.

Harris-Fain, Darren

in: Westfahl, Gary, ed. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. p. 1001-1003.

Zepponi, Noah B.

Master's Thesis, University of the Pacific, 2018. 78 p. (MAI 57(5)((E).)

O'Brien, Vincent

in: Kristine Larsen, Anthony Burdge, and Jessica Burke, eds. The Mythological Dimension of Doctor Who. Crawfordville, FL: Kitsune Books, 2010. p. 184-197.

Meyers, Richard

Starlog 17: 64-65. October 1978.

Schnur, Kate

In: McCormick, Lizzie H., Mitchell, Jennifer, and Soares, Rebecca, eds. The Female Fantastic : Gendering the Supernatural in the 1890s and 1920s. New York: Routledge, 2019. p. 203-227.

Pizzino, Christopher

PMLA 130(3):631-647. May 2015.

Bertland, Alexander

in: Lewis, Courtland and Smithka, Paula, eds. Doctor Who and Philosophy: Bigger on the Inside. Chicago, IL: Open Court, 2010. p. 361-372.

Hills, Matt

In: Lavery, David, ed. The Essential Cult TV Reader. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 2010, p. 97-103.

Anders, Lou

in: Westfahl, Gary, ed. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. p. 1006-1007.

Mills, Andy

Matrix No. 120: 13. July/August 1996.

Harris, Judith

Cinefantastique 28(4/5): 124. November 1996.

Eeken, Sophie; Hermes, Joke

Television & New Media 22(5): 447-464. July 2021.

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