Browse Records by Title

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Gremigni, Elena

Firenze, Italy: Le Lettere, 2011. 120 p.

Calvino, Italo

Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013. 619 p.

Carter, Albert H., III

Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Research Press, 1987. 182p. (Revision of a 1971 Ph.D. Dissertation)

Aragona, Raffaele

San Cesario di Lecce: Manni, 2008. 207 p.

Barenghi, Mario

Bologne: Il Mulino, 2007. 281 p.

Weiss, Beno

in: Criado, Fidel L., ed. Studies in Modern and Classical Literature (I). Madrid: Editorial Origenes, 1988. pp.163-169.

Lippi, Giuseppe

Books at Brown No 38/39: 133-148. 1991/1992.

Gil, Steven

Journal of Science & Popular Culture 1(1): 27-41. 2018.

Grewell, Cory

Journal of Inklings Studies 3(2): 11-40. October 2013.

Bernico, Matt

In: Wetmore, Kevin J., Jr. The Streaming of Hill House: Essays on the Haunting Netflix Adaption. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2020. p. 39-49.

Shawl, Nisi Oct 15, 2019. [3 p..] (History of Black Science Fiction)

Butler, Brett H.

MOSF Journal of Science Fiction 3(2): [16 p.]. July 2019.

Jones, Calvert W.; Paris, Celia

Perspectives on Politics 16(4): 969-989. 2018.

Manson, Margaret

Birmingham: Dryden Press, 1962. 24 p.

Aldiss, Margaret

Oxford: SF Horizons, 1973. 40 p.

Thomas, G. W.

Dark Worlds Quarterly p. 64-69. Fall 2017.

Huet, Marie-Helene

In: Raymond, Francois and Viern, Simone, eds. Jules Verne et les sciences humaines. Colloque de Cerisy. Paris: Union générale d'éditions, 1979. p. 9-35.

Duparray, Max

in: Le Voyage Romantique et ses reecritures. Ciermont Ferrand: Cac. des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Clermont-Ferrand, 1987. pp.289-298.

Duncan, Jody

Cinefex No. 157: 96-107. February 2018.

Gold, H. L.

Fantasy Times No. 113:2. September (1) 1950.

Sjoerdsma, Ann G.

(Baltimore, MD.) Sun. March 23, 1986. in: NewsBank. Social Relations 16:D8-D10. 1986.

Richmond, Ray

Los Angeles (CA) Daily News. May 23, 1994. in: NewsBank. Film and Television. 59:B2-B3. 1994.

Andrews, Kristin

in: Huss, John, ed. Planet of the Apes and Philosophy: Great Apes Think Alike. Chicago: Open Court, 2013. p. 3-13.

Perez, Dan

Science Fiction Age 6(3): 22-26. March 1998.

Garbowski, Christopher

Mythlore 23(4): 38-49. Fall/Winter 2002. (No. 90)

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