Browse Records by Title

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Unseth, Peter

CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society 43(3): 6-9. May/June 2012.

Wilcockson, Colin

in: Petzold, Dieter, ed. Inklings: Jahrbuch fur Literatur und Aesthetik. Band 18. Moers: Brendow, 2000. p. 107-121.

Onyebuchi, Tochi, 2020. Accessed 22 March 2021.

Aldiss, Brian W.

Daily Telegraph [4 p.] May 22, 2002. (Cited from online source: NewsBank)

McAleer, Patrick

The Journal of Popular Culture. 44 (6): 1209-1227. December 2011.

Resnick, Mike

Holicong, PA: Wildside Press, 2001. 405 p.

Dick, Philip K.

in: Gray, Chris H., ed. The Cyborg Handbook. New York: Routledge, 1995. pp.307-319.

Rocklynne, Ross

Inside and Science Fiction Advertiser No. 7: 17-19. January 1955.

Berger, Andrew

Master's Thesis, McGill University, 2021. 94 p. (MAI 83(9).)

Miller, Jessica P.

in: South, James B., ed. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy: Fear and Trembling in Sunnydale. Chicago: Open Court, 2003. p. 35-48.

Silverberg, Robert

Asimov's Science Fiction 42(9/10): 6--9. September/October. 2018.

Smith, Rhianedd

Configurations 30(3): 349-355. Summer 2022.

Nicholls, Stan

Interzone No. 52: 28-30. October 1991.

Witter, Genevieve

Master's Thesis, Colorado State University, 2023. 41 p. (MAI 84(11)(E).)

Daems, Jim

in: Hallett, Cynthia J. and Huey, Peggy J., eds. J. K. Rowling: Harry Potter. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. p. 163-174.

Chotiner, Harry

in: Brown, Richard and Decker, Kevin S., eds. Terminator and Philosophy: I'll Be Back, Therefore I Am. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2009. p. 69-81.

Easterbrook, Neil

CCTE Studies 60: 52-61. 1995.

Larsson, Mariah

in: Larsson, Mariah and Steiner, Ann, eds. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Twilight: Studies in Fiction, Media and a Contemporary Cultural Experience. Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2011. p. 63-80.

Goodson, William W., Jr.

Cinefantastique 29(6/7): 14-15. November 1997.

Murray, Susan

in: Levine, Elana/Parks, Lisa, eds. Undead TV: Essays on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2007. p. 42-55.

Webb, Janeen

Australian Science Fiction Review 2(5):13-20. September 1987. (Reprinted in: Broderick, Damien, ed. Chained to the Alien: The Best of ASFR (Second Series). Maryland: Borgo Press, 2009. )

Ciencin, Denise; Ciencin, Scott

in: Ruditis, Paul, ed. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Watcher's Guide, Volume 3. New York: Spotlight, 2004. p. 277-281.

Bradley, Marion Z.

Empire: For the SF Writer 3(3): 37-39. November 1977.

Pugh, Catherine

In: Hand, Richard J. and O’Thomas, Mark, eds. American Horror Story and Cult Television: Narratives, Histories and Discourses. New York: Anthem Press, 2024. p. 61-78.

Vegetti, Ernesto

Cosmo informatore 14(1):9-15. spring 1985.

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