Browse Records by Title

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Callus, Ivan; Grech, Victor; Thake-Vassallo, Clare

SFRA Review No. 299: 5-10. Winter 2011.

Westfahl, Gary

in: Westfahl, Gary, ed. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. pp. 418-420.

Yuan, Frederick

in: Tolley, M. J., ed. The Stellar Gauge. Carleton, Australia: Norstrilia, 1980. pp. 239-258.

Vink, Renee

in: Wells, Sarah, ed. The Ring Goes Ever On: Proceedings of the Tolkien 2005 Conference: 50 Years of The Lord of the Rings. Coventry, UK: Tolkien Society, 2008. Volume 2, p. 117-127.

Stableford, Brian M.

In: Stableford, Brian M. Narrative Strategies in Science Fiction and Other Essays on Imaginative Fiction. San Bernardino, CA: Borgo Press, 2009. p. 29-60.

Golding, Mark A.

in: Irwin, Walter and Love, G. B., eds. The Best of the Best of Trek. New York: Roc, 1990. pp.87-103.

Reese, Kevin

Ph. D. Dissertation, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010. 248 p. DAI-A 71/07, January 2011.

Gunn, James

Destinies 1(5):230-253. October/December 1979.

Nevers, Kevin L.

Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Virginia, 1993. 473pp. (DAI-A 54(8): 3044. February 1994.)

Card, Orson S.

SFWA Bulletin 14(3):82-83. Fall 1979.

Miller, Ruth-Ellen L.

Journal of Futures Studies 20(2): 105-112. December 2015.

Fournier, Isabelle

American Review of Canadian Studies 50(3): 386-399. July 2020.

Cordesse, Gerard

in: Bigsby, C. W. E., ed. Superculture: American Popular Culture and Europe. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green Popular Press, 1975. pp. 160-174,222-223.

Azizmohammadi, Fatemeh; Kohzadi, Hamedreza

The Anthropologist 17(2): 647-683. 2014.

Patchainayagi, S.; Priyadharshini, Sarayu

Theory & Practice in Language Studies 12(10): 2048-2053. October 2022. DOI: 10.17507/tpls.1210.11

Whiting, Daisy J.

Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1987. vii, 111pp.

Lang, Leonard A.

Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1978. 206 p. (DAI-A 39(6): 3665. Dec. 1978.)

Dodson, Danita J.

In: Nelson, David E., ed. Women's Issues in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. Detroit: Gale, 2012. p. 28-41.

Gunter, Barrie; Svennevig, M.

in: Wober, J. Mallory, ed. Television and Nuclear Power: Making the Public Mind. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1992. pp.55-66.

Pfaelzer, Jean

in: Roemer, Kenneth M., ed. America As Utopia. New York: Franklin, 1981. pp. 117-132.

Philmus, Robert M.

Science Fiction Studies 13(2):231-232. July 1986.

Dooley, David J.

Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Iowa, 1955. 463 p. in 2 volumes.

Barnett, Michael

Journal of Science Education and Technology 15(2): 179-191. June 2006.

Bainbridge, William S.

in: Emme, Eugene M., ed. Science Fiction and Space Futures. San Diego: Univelt, 1982. pp. 121-135.

Gernsback, Hugo

Journal of Science Fiction 1(4): 22-25. 1953.

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