Browse Records by Title

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Pirani, Adam

Starlog 178: 48-51. May 1992.

Gallagher, Nora; Le Guin, Ursula K.

In: Streitfeld, David, ed. Ursula K. Le Guin: The Last Interview and Other Conversations. Brooklyn, NY: Melville House, 2019. p. 79-102. (Reprinted from Mother Jones, January 1984.)

Wanner, Kevin J.

Journal of American Culture 39(2): 177-192. June 2016.

Darowski, John

in: Darowski, Joseph J., ed. The Ages of Superman: Essays on the Man of Steel in Changing Times. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012. p. 209-217.

Schradle, Nathan

Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science 55(3): September 2020. 733-747

Konig, Howard T.; Snauffer, Douglas

Starlog 232: 34-37. November 1996.

Cherryh, C. J.

in: Cherryh, C. J. Glass and Amber. Cambridge, MA: NESFA Press, 1987. p. 164-171.

Andrews, Graham

New York Review of Science Fiction 20(10): 1, 8-14. June 2008. (No. 238)

Gakov, Vladimir

Soviet Literature 12(489):160-169. 1988.

Shaw, Micaela Jade

Master's thesis, University of Pretoria (South Africa), 2023. 96 p. (MAI 85(5)(E).)

Alberro, Heather

Utopian Studies 32(1): 36-55. 2021.

Le Guin, Ursula K.

In: Le Guin, Ursula K. Space Crone, by Ursula K. Le Guin, edited by So Mayer and Sarah Shin. London: Silver Press, 2023. p. 97-110.

McNamara, Kevin

in: Verheul, Jaap, ed. Dreams of Paradise, Visions of Apocalypse : Utopia and Dystopia in American Culture. Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2004. p. 149-160.

Swift, Sondra F.

Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 17(3): 255-265. Fall 2006.

Schow, D. J.

Twilight Zone 3(5):82-88. November/December 1983.

Schow, D. J.

Twilight Zone 4(1): 82-84. March/April 1984.

Patrascu, Ecaterina

British and American Studies No. 15: 105-116. 2008.

Tranter, Kieran

in: Leitch, Gillian I., ed. Doctor Who in Time and Space: Essays on Themes, Characters, History and Fandom 1963-2012. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013. p. 82-96.

Kress, Susan

in: Barr, Marlene S., ed. Future Females. Bowling Green, OH.: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1981. pp. 109-122.

Mukherjea, Ananya; Wilcox, Rhonda V.

Slayage: The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies 19(1/2 [53/54]): 1-12. Summer/Fall 2021.

Lupoff, Richard A.

In: Lupoff, Richard A. Writer, Volume 2. Vancleave, MS: Ramble House, 2013. p. 139-144.

Simpson, Christopher M.

Master's Thesis, The University of Texas at Arlington, 2015. xi, 56 p.

Lovato, Todd E.

Albuquerque Journal Mature Life Sect., p. 15. May 15, 2005.

Cohen, Lon S.

Matrix (BSFA) No. 186: 12-13. 2008.

Pournelle, Jerry

in: Myers, John Myers. Silverlock. Framingham, MA: NESFA Press, 2004. p. 19-20.

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