Browse Records by Title

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Waller, Sara

in: Huss, John, ed. Planet of the Apes and Philosophy: Great Apes Think Alike. Chicago: Open Court, 2013. p. 15-26.

Wright, John C.

in: Espenson, Jane and Yeffeth, Glenn, eds. Finding Serenity: Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds and Space Hookers in Joss Whedon’s Firefly. Dallas, TX: Benbella Books, 2004. p. 155-168.

Blackman, Benjamin

Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Davis, 2022. 190 p. (DAI-A 84(12)(E).) (Embargoed until June 27, 2025.)

Altman, Mark A.

Star Trek: The Official Fan Club No. 96: 50-52. April/May 1994.

Wysocki, Edward M., Jr.

Analog 140(11/12): 139-. November/December 2020.

Teitelbaum, Sheldon

Cinefantastique 21(2): 14-15, 60. September 1990.

De Vos, Luk

Antwerp: Restant, 1985. 556pp.

Frank, Jane

Realms of Fantasy 6(1): 62-67. October 1999.

Baumann, Marty

Starlog 287: 84-87. June 2001.

Weston, Peter

Galileo 4:12-17. July 1977.

Clawson, Julie

in: Mills, Anthony R., Morehead, John W. and Parker, J. Ryan, eds. Joss Whedon and Religion: Essays on an Angry Atheist's Explorations of the Sacred. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013. p. 140-151.

Sorg, Arley

Clarkesworld Magazine No. 179. August 2021.

Lowe, Nick

Interzone No. 177: 37. March 2002.

Littmann, Greg

in: Nicholas, Jeffery, ed. Dune and Philosophy: The Weirding Way of the Mentat. Chicago: Open Court, 2011. p. 103-120.

Randall, Marta

SFWA Bulletin 16(1): 26-33. Winter 1981. (No. 75)

Randall, Marta

SFWA Bulletin 16(1): 26-33. Winter 1981.

Brown, Peter H.

Los Angeles Times. Calendar. p. 1, 44-45, 50-51. November 25, 1979.

Geraghty, Lincoln

In: Larsen, Katherine and Zubernis, Lynn Fan Culture: Theory/Practice. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012. p. 162-173.

Watt-Evans, Lawrence

in: Yeffeth, Glenn, ed Fresh Perspectives On The H. G. Wells Classic, The War of the Worlds. Dallas, TX: Benbella Books, 2005. p. 165-172.

Miller, Laura

New Yorker 87(8): 32-37. April 11, 2011.

Valente, Catherynne M.

In: Rogers, Brett M. and Stevens, Benjamin E., eds. Once and Future Antiquities in Science Fiction and Fantasy. New York: Bloomsbury, 2019. p. 199-203.

Atherton, Tony

Ottawa Citizen p. D10. December 18, 2000. (Cited from Lexis-Nexis)

Campbell, Bruce

in: Campbell, Bruce B., Guenther-Pal, Alison, and Petersen, Vibeke R., eds. Detectives, Dystopias, and Poplit: Studies in Modern German Genre Fiction. Rochester, NY : Camden House, 2014. p. 133-151.

Williams, David E.

CFQ: Cinefantastique 35(2): 65. April/May 2003.

No authors listed.

in: Tandy, Heidi H., ed. Selected Papers from Nimbus-2003. Compendium. Houston, TX: HP Education Fanon, 2005. p. 61-74.

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