Browse Records by Title

Flag Title

Russell, Elizabeth

Foundation No. 55: 36-43. Summer 1992.

No authors listed.

Locus 76(6): 64. June 2016.

Johnson, Kim H.

Starlog 132:81-84. July 1988.

Spivack, Charlotte

in: Spivack, Charlotte. Merlin's Daughters: Contemporary Women Writers of Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1987. pp.87-99.

O'Connor-Salomon, Kelly A.

in: Bleiler, Richard, Ed. Supernatural Fiction Writers: Contemporary Fantasy and Horror. New York: Thomson/Gale, 2003. p. 575-584.

Laskowski, George

Lan's Lantern No. 13:24-31. August 1983.

Elliot, J. M.

in: Elliot, Jeffrey M. Fantasy Voices #1. San Bernardino, CA: Borgo, 1982. pp. 44-64. (Reprinted from Fantasy Newsletter, 1980).

No authors listed.

Locus 52(5): 64. May 2004.

No authors listed.

Chronicle 26(6): 26. June 2004. (No. 248)

No authors listed.

SFWA Bulletin 37(4): 48. Spring 2004. (No. 161)

Stableford, Brian M.

In: Bleiler, Richard, ed. Science Fiction Writers. Second Edition. New York: Scribner’s, 1999. p. 487-495.

No authors listed.

Locus 83(4): 77. October 2019.

Donawerth, Jane L.

in: Attebery, Brian; Hollinger, Veronica, eds. Parabolas of Science Fiction. Middledown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2013. p. 53-69.

Roberts, Robin A.

Aurora SF 9(1; [#24]): 13, 14, 36. Summer 1984.

Bleiler, Richard

in: Bleiler, Richard, Ed. Supernatural Fiction Writers: Contemporary Fantasy and Horror. New York: Thomson/Gale, 2003. p. 803-808.

No authors listed.

Locus 47(4): 72. October 2001.

Weaver, Tom

Weaver, Tom. Science Fiction Stars and Horror Heroes: Interviews with Actors, Directors, Producers and Writers of the 1940s Through 1960s. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1991. p. 385-400.

No authors listed.

Locus 76(3): 67. March 2016.

No authors listed.

Locus 86(3): 9, 68. March 2021.

Heaphy, Maura

In: Heaphy, Maura. 100 Most Popular Science-Fiction Authors: Biographical Sketches and Bibliographies. Libraries Unlimited, 2010. p. 194-197.

No authors listed.

Locus 46(6): 8, 83-84. June 2001.

No authors listed.

Locus 35(3): 4, 84-85. September 1993.

No authors listed.

Locus 85(3): 85. September 2020.

No authors listed.

Science Fiction Chronicle 22(12): 54. December 2001. (No. 219)

Thompson, Raymond H.

in: Thompson, Raymond H. Taliesin’s Successors: Interviews. (The Camelot Project: Arthurian Texts, Images, Bibliographies and Basic Information) (Online Resource: [13 p.]

Drennan, Kathryn M.

Starlog 127:10-13, 72. February 1988.

Davin, Eric L.

in: Davin, Eric L. Partners in Wonder: Women and the Birth of Science Fiction 1926-1965. New York: Ibooks, 2006. p. 392.

No authors listed.

Locus 49(2): 70-71. August 2002.

No authors listed.

Chronicle 24(10): 50. October 2002. (No. 229)

No authors listed.

Capital Times 1 p. July 18, 2002. (Cited from an on-line edition.)

No authors listed.

Locus 52(1): 66. January 2004.

Burg, Garry

Wayfarer (New Westminster, CA) No. 2: 8-10. (undated)

Ferrell, Keith

Locus 39(5): 70-71. November 1997.

Adam, Lynn Anne

Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Alberta (Canada), 2001. [6], 249 p. (DAI-A 62(5).)

Lau, Carolyn

Modernism/Modernity May 16; 2022.

Nicholls, Stan

Interzone No. 27:36-38. January/February 1989.

Nicholls, Stan

Interzone No. 27: 36-38. January/February 1989.

No authors listed.

Locus 27(1): 6. July 1991.

No authors listed.

Science Fiction Chronicle 12(9): 4-5. July 1991.

No authors listed.

Science Fiction Chronicle 10(4):5. January 1989.

Cowan, Lisa

Lucasfilm Fan Club No. 21: 32-33. Winter 1994.

Waitman, Katie

Locus 43(4): 8, 68-69. October 1999.

Jones, Whitney E.

in: Garriott, Deidre A. E., Jones, Whitney E., and Tyler, Julie E., eds. Space and Place in the Hunger Games: New Readings of the Novels. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014. p. 60-82.

Gresh, Lois H.

in: Wiener, Gary, ed. Violence in Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games Trilogy. Lanham, MD: Greenhaven Press, 2014. p. 86-97. (Reprinted from Guide to the Hunger Games, St. Martins, 2011.)

Guanio-Uluru, Lykke

Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures 9(1): 57-81. Summer 2017.

Gibson, Brent

Popular Culture Review 24(2): 83-90. Summer 2013.

Risko, Guy A.

in: Pharr, Mary F. and Clark, Leisa A., eds. Of Bread, Blood and the Hunger Games : Critical Essays on the Suzanne Collins Trilogy. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012. p. 80-88.

Beckett, Steven N.

Ph.D. Dissertation, Durham University, 2019. 320 p. (DAI-C 81(7)(E).)

Frankel, Valerie E.

s. l.: LitCrit Press, 2012. 102 p.

Francis, Lauren; Manter, Lisa

Children's Literature Association Quarterly 42(3): 285-307. Fall 2017.

Rauwerda, Antje M.

Children's Literature 44: 172-191. 2016.

Talero Alvarez, Paula

In: Frankel, Valerie E., ed. Fourth Wave Feminism in Science Fiction and Fantasy, Volume 1: Essays in Film Representation 2012-2019. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2019. p. 115-126.

Richmond, Ray

Los Angeles (CA) Daily News. April 11, 1995. in: NewsBank. Film and Television. 51:C7. 1995.

Nikula, Aleksi

Fafnir : Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research 2(1): 15-23. 2015.

Suzuki, Shige (CJ)

In: McFarlane, Anna, Murphy, Graham J., and Schmeink, Lars, eds. Fifty Key Figures In Cyberpunk Culture. New York: Routledge, 2022. p. 143-148.

No authors listed.

Variety pp. 4, 40. April 25, 1979.

No authors listed.

Locus 20(7): 64. July 1987.

Weedman, Jane B.

In: Pederson, Jay P., ed. St. James Guide to Science Fiction Writers. 4th ed. Detroit: St. James, 1996. p. 498-500.

No authors listed.

Science Fiction Chronicle 10(1):10. October 1988.

Terrell, Jessie F., Jr.

Burroughs Bulletin No. 104/105: 82-84. 2022.

Lefevre, Pascal

in: Cortijo, Adela, et al, eds. La ciencia ficción en los discursos culturales y medios de expresión contemporáneos. València : Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Communicació, Universitat de València, 2009. p. 61-72.

Znak, Dinah

in: Berninger, Mark, Eche, Joche and Haberkorn, Gideon, eds. Comics as a Nexus of Culture: Essays on the Interplay of Media, Disciplines, and International Perspectives, ed. by Mark Berninger, Jochen Eche and Gideon Haberkorn. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010. p. 211-222.

No authors listed.

Locus 67(4): 10. October 2011.

Karr, Phyllis A.

Niekas No. 38:49. 1989.

No authors listed.

Locus 47(6): 70. December 2001.

McKay, George

Foundation No. 58: 62-75. Summer 1993.

No authors listed.

Locus 85(6): 81. December 2020.

No authors listed.

Science Fiction Chronicle 9(2):5. November 1987.

No authors listed.

Science Fiction Chronicle 4(12):1,4. September 1983.

Davin, Eric L.

in: Davin, Eric L. Partners in Wonder: Women and the Birth of Science Fiction 1926-1965. New York: Ibooks, 2006. p. 403.

No authors listed.

Science Fiction Chronicle 1(10):4. July 1980.

No authors listed.

Science Fiction Times No. 378:1. January 1962.

Davin, Eric L.

in: Davin, Eric L. Partners in Wonder: Women and the Birth of Science Fiction 1926-1965. New York: Ibooks, 2006. p. 400.

No authors listed.

Locus 67(2): 10. August 2011.

Staite, Jewel

in: Espenson, Jane and Yeffeth, Glenn, eds. Finding Serenity: Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds and Space Hookers in Joss Whedon’s Firefly. Dallas, TX: Benbella Books, 2004. p. 217-228.

No authors listed.

Science Fiction Chronicle 24(8): 22. August 2002. (No. 227)

Strebin, Sean

Cinefantastique 28(1): 7. August 1996.

Biodrowski, Steve

Cinefantastique 28(4/5): 124. November 1996.

Hatzenberger, Antoine

Utopian Studies 24(1): 105-118. 2013.

No authors listed.

Locus 27(4): 64. October 1991.

Kuczka, Peter

in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 3. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 1118-1121.

Guo, Deyan

Canadian Social Science 11(2): 32-38. February 2015.

Bigsby, Christopher

In: Bigsby, Christopher. Writers in Conversation. Volume One. Norwich, UK: Arthur Miller Center/EAS Publishing, 2000. p. 193-204.

Holmes, Chris

London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024. 173 p.

Demir, Yagmur S.

In: Kirca, Mustafa and Rundholz, Adelheid, eds. Post-Millennial Cultures of Fear in Literature: Fear, Risk and Safety. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2024. p. 66-90.

Shen, Anni

In: Shaw, Kristian and Sloane, Peter, eds. Kazuo Ishiguro. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2023. p. 227-247.

Tomoiaga, Ligia

in: Tomoiaga, Ligia, Barbul, Minodora, and Demarcsek, Ramona, eds. From Francis Bacon to William Golding: Utopias and Dystopias of Today and of Yore. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012. p. 255-266.

Whitehead, Anne

Modern Fiction Studies 67(1): 20-39. Spring 2021.

Christou, Maria

Novel: A Forum on Fiction 53(3): 341-359. November 2020.

Shaw, Kristian; Slone, Peter

Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2023. 251 p.

Shaw, Kristian; Sloane, Peter

Manchester UK: Manchester University Press, 2023. 272 p.

Groes, Sebastian; Lewis, Barry

New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 288 p.

Fukushima, Yoshiko

in: Edwards, Matthew, ed. The Atomic Bomb in Japanese Cinema: Critical Essays. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015. p. 171-183.

Kuchenbuch, Thomas

in: Faulstich, Werner and Korte, Helmut, eds. Fischer Filmgeschichte Band 2: Der Film als gesellschaftliche Kraft 1925–1944. Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1995. p. 92-109.

Franz, Benjamin

In: Bunce, Robin and McCrossin, Trip, eds. Blade Runner 2049 and Philosophy. Chicago: Open Court, 2019. p. 145-152.

Kosatik, Pavel; Rampas, Zdenek

Praha, CZ: Ceskoslovenského fandomu, 1994. 84pp. [Not seen.]

No authors listed.

Locus No. 160:2. June 3, 1974.

Schumer, Lizz

People 102(5): 54-55. August 5, 2024.

Szymanski, Mike

Science Fiction Weekly No. 482: [5 p.] July 17, 2006. (

Wells, Joshua J.

Reviews in Anthropology 2014 43(1): 5-34. 2014.

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