Browse Records by Title

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Lovegrove, James

Interzone No. 98: 18-21. August 1995.

Bucciferro, Claudia

in: Bucciferro, Claudia, ed. The Twilight Saga: Exploring the Global Phenomenon. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2013. p. 17-32.

Vaz, Mark C.

New York: Random House, 2007. 142 p .

Frentzko, Brianna Nicole

Master's Thesis, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 2019. 97 p. (MAI 58(5)(E).)

Miller, David M.

Modern Fiction Studies 32(1):3-9. Spring 1986.

South, Malcolm

Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1987. 393pp.

Paulouskaya, Hanna

In: Marciniak, Katarzyna, ed. Chasing Mystical Beasts: The Reception of Ancient Monsters in Children's and Young Adult's Culture. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2020. p. 497-520.

Szyjewski, Andrzej

In: Neubauer, Lukasz, ed. Middle-earth or There and Back Again. Zurich: Walking Tree, 2020. p. 83-112.

Machal, Ruchita

Insight: International Multilingual Journal for Arts and Humanities 1(6): 127-136. August, 2021.

Compora, Daniel P.

in: Barker, Cory, Ryan, Chris and Wiatrowski, Myc, eds. Mapping Smallville: Critical Essays on the Series. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014. p. 13-24.

Fiedler, Leslie A.

in: Jaye, Michael C. and Watts, Ann C., eds. Literature & the Urban Experience. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1981. pp.113-121.

Fitzsimmons, Phil

in: Frankel, Valerie E., ed. Women Versed in Myth: Essays on Modern Poets, ed. by Valerie E. Frankel. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016. p. 106-113..

Heber, Saskia

in: Mairbaurl, Gunda, et al, eds. Kiderliterarische Mythen-Translation: Zur Konstruktion phantastischer Welten bei Tove Jansson, C. S. Lewis und J. R. R. Tolkien. Wein: Praesens Verlag, 2013. p. 133-139.

Kolbuch, Sandy A.

Munich: AVM, 2009. 183 p.

Kolbuch, Sandy

München: Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München, 2010. 188 p.

Sturm, Rudiger

in: Gaisbauer, R. Gustav, ed. Der Zweite Kongress der Phantasie. Passau: Ester Deutscher Fantasy Club, 1989. p. 237-258.

Andruschak, Harry J. N.; Goodknight, Glen H.

Mythlore 8(1): 37-39. Spring 1981.

Sanders, J. L.

in: Tymn, M. B. and Ashley, Mike. Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction Magazines. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1985. pp. 831.

Ballard, J. G.

Re/Search 8/9: 105-107. 1984. (reprinted from New Worlds, May 1964)

Baxter, John

New York: Spike, 1999. 450pp.

Shields, Charles J.

Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2002. 112 p.

Killjoy, Margaret

Oakland, CA: AK Press, 2013. 218 p.

Osborne, Carol

in: Appleton, Sarah A., ed. Once Upon a Time: Myth, Fairy Tales and Legends in Margaret Atwood's Writings. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008. p. 25-46.

Kascakova, Janka

In: Kascakova, Janka and Platinus, David L., eds. J. R. R. Tolkien in Central Europe: Context, Directions, and The Legacy. New York: Routledge, 2024. p. 61-73.

Khokhel, Dariya

In: Dedinova, Tereza, Laszkiewicz, Weronika, and Borowska-Szerszun, Sylwia, eds. Images of the Anthropocene in Speculative Fiction: Narrating the Future. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2021. p. 213-234.

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