Browse Records by Title

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Biodrowski, Steve

Cinefantastique 30(7/8): 114. October 1998.

Thiltges, Sebastian

in: Duffy, Helena and Leppanen, Katarina, eds. Storying the Ecocatastrophe: Contemporary Narratives about the Environmental Collapse. New York, NY: Routledge; 2024. p. 145-162.

Naha, Ed

Future Life 19: 30-35, 67. June 1980.

Katz, David

in: Engel, Gisela and Marx, Birgit, eds. Utopische Perspektiven. Dettelbach: Roell, 1998. p. 153-167.

Berger, Albert I.

Science-Fiction Studies 6(2):121-128. July 1979.

Suh, Jungkyu

Ph. D. Dissertation, Purdue University, 2021. 213 p. (DAI-A 85(1).)

Johanson, MaryAnn

Internet Review of Science Fiction 2(7): [3 p.] August 2005.

Brians, Paul

Papers on Language and Literature 26(1):134-142. Winter 1990. Also in: Anisfield, Nancy, ed. The Nightmare Considered: Critical Essays on Nuclear War Literature. Bowling Green, OH: Popular Press, 1991. pp.151-158.

Boluk, Stephanie

Extrapolation 58(2-3): 209-253. July 2017.

Brians, Paul

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 44(6): 24-27. July/August 1988.

Kane, Joe

Take One 2(6):9-11. July/August 1969.

Broderick, Mick

Literature-Film Quarterly 27(3): 196-201. 1999.

Larsen, Kristine

In: Bro, Lisa W., Gareis, Mary A. and O'Leary-Davidson, Crystal, eds. Monsters of Film, Fiction and Fable: The Cultural Links Between the Human and the Inhuman. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. p. 165-188.

Bartter, Martha A.

Science Fiction Studies 13(2):148-158. July 1986.

Glazer, Joan I.

Children's Literature Association Quarterly. 11(2): 85-87. Summer 1986.

Brians, Paul

Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1987. 388pp.

Brians, Paul

Online Resource:

Fetters, Ian

In: Alcala Gonzalez, Antonio and Sederholm, Carl H., eds. Lovecraft in the 21st Century: Dead, But Still Dreaming. New York: Routledge, 2022. p. 118-131.

Bertuzzi, Valentina; Familiari, Antonio F.

Ravagnese : Citta del sole, 2013. 65 p.

Broderick, Mick

Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1991. 232pp.

Broderick, Mick

Northcote: Post-Modem, 1988. 135pp.

McHugh, Anna R.

in: McGiveron, Rafeeq O., ed. Critical Insights: Ray Bradbury. Ipswich: Salem Press, 2017. p. 106-121.

Tressler-Hauschultz, Anene M.

unpublished paper, 12-4-80. (Copy in Science Fiction Collection, Texas A&M University Library).

Lingen, Marissa

in: Westfahl, Gary, ed. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. p. 560-562.

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