No authors listed.
Variety 296(13): 7. October 31, 1979.
Variety p. 60. February 20, 1980.
Variety 285(5): 7. December 8, 1976.
Variety p. 3. October 3, 1984.
Cornillon, Claire
Ph. D. Dissertation, Université de La Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, 2012. 334 p. URL :
Fernandes, Fábio
in: Nolasco, Edgar C.; Londero, Rodolfo R., eds. Volta ao mundo da ficção científica. Campo Grande, MS: Eitora UFMS, 2007. p. 69-78.
Meras, Lidia
L’Atlante: Revista de estudios cinematograficos No 18: 102-110. July-December 2014. [Spanish and English versions]
D'Ammassa, Don
Mythologies 12:19-21. June 1977.
Heaney, Seamus
in: Carey, John, ed. William Golding: The Man and his Books: A Tribute on his 75th Birthday. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1987. p. 169-170.
Ruffin, Kimberly T.
Obsidian III: Literature in the African Diaspora 6/7: 87-104. Fall/Winter 2005-Spring/Summer 2006
Apol Laure; Roue, Bevin
In: Stanley, Tarshia L., ed. Approaches to Teaching the Works of Octavia E. Butler. New York: MLA, 2019. p. 69-73.
Robinson, Chuck
In: Nanda, Aparajita; and Crosby, Shelby, eds. God is Change: Religious Practices and Ideologies in the Works of Octavia Butler. Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2021. p. 86-97.
Mythologies No. 9:10-12. June 1976.
Morrissey, Thomas J.
in: Basu, Balaka, Broad, Katherine R., and Hintz, Carrie. Contemporary Dystopian Fiction for Young Adults: Brave New Teenagers. New York: Routledge, 2013. p. 189-202.
Suvin, Darko
Science-Fiction Studies 2(3):265-274. November 1975.
Smith, Eric D.; Suvin, Darko
New York : Peter Lang, 2021. 326 p.
New York : Peter Lang, 2021. 617 p.
Sturgis, Amy H.
Reason 38(2): 72-73. June 2006.
Attebery, Brian; Hollinger, Veronica
Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2013. 312 p.
Ransom, Amy J.
in: Attebery, Brian; Hollinger, Veronica, eds. Parabolas of Science Fiction. Middledown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2013. p. 89-105.
Mayward, Joel
Journal for Religion, Film & Media 6(1): 17-36. 2020.
Sage, Victor
in: Davison, Carol M and Mulvey-Roberts, Marie, eds. Global Frankenstein. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. p. 37-52.
Baxter, John
Australian Science Fiction Review 4(3):9-11. June 1989. (Whole No. 20)
Greiner, Bernhard
in: Grimm, Gunter E,/Faulstich, Werner/Kuon, Peter, eds. Apokalypse: Weltuntergangsvisionen in der Literatur des20.Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt-am-Main: Suhrkamp, 1986. p. 370-384.
Hilbeck, Angelika
In: Dziudzia, Corinna, Stauffer, Isabelle, and Tatzel, Sebastian, eds. Utopien & Dystopien: historische Wurzeln und Gegenwart von Paradies und Katastrophe. Bielefeld: Aisthesis Verlag, 2021. p. 91-106.
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