Browse Records by Title

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Riggs, Miriam; St. Louis, Renee

Slayage 8(2/3): [23 p.] Summer/Fall 2010. (

Barg, Werner

In: Mass, Georg and Vollberg, Susanne, eds. Zukunftsmusik Film und Musik für die Welt von morgen. Marburg: Schüren Verlag GmbH, 2023. p. 37-50.

Wardell, K. Brenna

in: Blichert, Frederick, ed. Joss Whedon's Big Damn Movie : Essays on Serenity. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018. p. 9-24.

Frank, Jane

New York: Nonstop, 2008. 160 p.

Sorg, Arley

Clarkesworld No. 157. October 2019. Accessed 22.March.2020.

Madondo, Sibusiso Hyacinth

Echinox Journal No. 25: 139-146. 2013.

Kumar, Nagendra; Raj, Ankit

Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas 21(2): 279-302. June 2023.

Hackenberry, Charles

Extrapolation 26(1): 50-55. Spring 1985.

Ladd, Thyrill L.

Fantasy Commentator 2(1): 3-4. Winter 1946/47. (No. 13)

Urie, Chris

Clarkesworld Magazine No. 112, January 2016. ( Accessed 19.January.2016.

Hutchison, David

Starlog 67: 50-53. February 1983.

Manson, Cynthia D.

in: Inklings Forever, Volume VII: A Collection of Essays Presented at the 7th Frances White Ewbank Colloquium on C.S. Lewis & Friends. Upland, IN: Taylor University, 2010. 10 p.

Kirchner, Andreas

in: Ritzenhoff, Kareen A. and Krewani, Angela, eds. The Apocalypse in Film: Dystopias, Disasters, and Other Visions About the End of the World. Lanham: Roman and Littlefield, 2016. p. 191-202.

Doering, David

Leading Edge No. 6:41-52. undated.

Mitchell, Steve

Fantastic Films 2(9): 24-33. March 1980.

Crucianelli, Guy

Paradoxa No. 20: 80-95. 2006. Also in: Hand, Richard J./McRoy, Jay, eds. Monstrous Adaptations: Generic and Thematic Mutations in Horror Film. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2007. p. 20-34.

Hardy, D. A.

Leonardo 9(2):95-98. 1976. Letter: Leonardo 9(3):262. 1976. Reply: Leonardo 9(3):262. 1976.

Elms, Alan C.

in: Westfahl, Gary, ed. Space and Beyond: The Frontier Theme in Science Fiction. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2000. pp.131-142.

Chute, David

Los Angeles Herald Examiner March 12, 1983. in: NewsBank. Literature 80:G6-7. 1983.

No authors listed.

Science Fiction Chronicle 11(10): 6. July 1990.

No authors listed.

Locus 49(2): 10, 72. August 2002.

Leeper, Mark R.

Lan's Lantern No. 15:12-19. August 1984.

No authors listed.

Science Fiction Times No. 348:1-2. October (2) 1960.

No authors listed.

Fantasy Times No. 200:1. June (1) 1954.

No authors listed.

in: Filmlexicon Degli Autori e Delle Opere. Rome, Edizioni di Bianco e Nero, 1962. pp. 258-259.

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