King, Katherine C.
in: Schweizer, Bernard and Segal, Robert A., eds. Critical Insights: The Hero's Quest. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press, 2013. p. 99-114.
Lee, Judith Y.
in: Slade, Joseph W. and Lee, Judith Y., eds. Beyond The Two Cultures. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1990. pp.75-77.
Rettberg, Jill W.
in: Gorneliussen, Hilde G. and Rettberg, Jill W. Digital Culture, Play, and Identity: A World of Warcraft Reader. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008. p. 167-184.
Hage, Renee B.
Universite de Sherbrooke (Canada), 1991. 777 p. (DAI-A 53(12): 4344, June 1993.)
Miralles-Alberola, Dolores
in: Alves, Artur Matos, ed. Unveiling the Posthuman. Oxford, UK: Interdisciplinary Press, 2012. p. 155-162.
Warfa, Dominique
Imagine 38:54-68. February 1987.
Paumier, Jean-Yves
in: Mustiere, Philippe and Fabre, Michel, eds. Rencontres Jules Verne: Sciences, crises et utopies. Nantes: Coiffard Libraire Éditeur, 2013. p. 93-98.
Olson, Ray
American Libraries 21(9): 928. October 1990.
Duncan, Jody
Cinefex No. 55: 117-118. August 1993.
Loren, Christalene
Cinefex No. 58: 91-92. June 1994.
Prokop, Tim
Cinefex No. 61: 11-12. March 1995.
Shay, Estelle
Cinefex No. 63: 39-40. September 1995.
Derro, Marc
Cinefex No. 61: 101-102. March 1995.
Cinefex No. 63: 53-54. September 1995.
Cinefex No. 63: 45-48. September 1995.
Dever, Sean
Cinefex No. 62: 17-18. June 1995.
Cinefex No. 61: 17-18. March 1995.
Cinefex No. 63: 27-28. September 1995.
Cinefex No. 58: 11-12. June 1994.
Kutzera, Dale
Cinefex No. 57: 75-76. March 1994.
Cinefex No. 56: 11-12. November 1993.
Peishel, Bob
Cinefex No. 56: 17-18. November 1993.
Pieshel, Bob
Cinefex No. 55: 35-36. August 1993.
Cinefex No. 58: 23-24. June 1994.
Cinefex No. 59: 89-92. September 1994.
Found 539 items on 22 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.