Browse Records by Title

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Persons, Dan

Cinefantastique 26(6)/27(1): 102-115, 125. October 1995.

Persons, Dan

Cinefantastique 26(6)/27(1): 112-113. October 1995.

Persons, Dan

Cinefantastique 26(6)/27(1): 104-105. October 1995.

Persons, Dan

Cinefantastique 26(6)/27(1): 116-117. October 1995.

Persons, Dan

Cinefantastique 26(6)/27(1): 100-101. October 1995.

Davin, Eric L.

in: Davin, Eric L. Partners in Wonder: Women and the Birth of Science Fiction 1926-1965. New York: Ibooks, 2006. p. 411.

No authors listed.

Science Fiction Chronicle 9(12):4-5. September 1988.

Lowe, Nick

Interzone No. 206: 53. October 2006.

Brown, Alistair

in: Wood, Andrea and Schillace, Brandy, eds. Unnatural Reproductions and Monstrosity: The Birth of the Monster in Literature, Film and Media. Amherst, NY: Cambria, 2014. p. 15-40.

No authors listed.

in: Jeschke, Wolfgang, ed. Das Science Fiction Jahr No. 13, 1998. München: Heyne, 1998. p. 247-264.

Kastner, Jorg

Science Fiction Times (Germany) 32(6): 4-7. June 1990.

Doerr, Andrea

Master's Thesis, University of Nebraska, Omaha, 1971. 100 p.

Maccarillo, Lisa

Sci-Fi Entertainment 2(1): 58-63. June 1995

Brazier, Paul

Interzone No. 175: 23-28. January 2002.

Lochhead, Marion

Edinburgh: Canongate, 1977. xiii, 169 p.

Lochhead, Marion

San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1980 (c 1977). xiii, 169 p. (Reprint of 1977 edition, The Renaissance of Wonder in Children's Literature)

Leslie, Marina

Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1998. 200pp.

Phelippeau, Marie-Claire

In: Marks, Peter, Wagner-Lawlor, Jennifer A., and Vieira, Fatima, eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Utopian and Dystopian Literatures. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. p. 91-100.

Sapiro, Leland

Riverside Quarterly 2(4): 270-283. March 1967.

Rottensteiner, Franz

In: Pederson, Jay P., ed. St. James Guide to Science Fiction Writers. 4th ed. Detroit: St. James, 1996. p. 773.

Guiod, Jacques

Galaxie No. 107: 28-29. avril 1973.

Comballot, Richard

Imagine 38:82-87. February 1987.

Guiod, Jacques

Galaxie No. 87: 152-155. aout 1971.

Nolane, Richard D.

Fiction No. 300: 205-212. Avril 1979.

Moreau, Charles; Nolane, Richard D.

Fiction No. 295: 185-189. Novembre 1977.

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